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My is not really a story. But more a fact of life

What are we owing we are having a contest with life.. As a rents we are so busy working so we can give bigger and better than our parents but are we right.. I was raised in a three bedroom home. .. I had three sisters. .. We never got a new toy unless it was Christmas or a birthday..at birthdays we got A present. Not two or three presents one present at Christmas we might of got two.. One year our family of four girls got a swing set. Yep a swing set I was twelve… Plus I got a beautiful pair of swimmers that sparkled in the sun and a new beach towel. .. A huge family meal. With cousins playing and adults laughing and drinking…no Halloween. Never not even thought of.. We knew about it but it was American the same as thanks giving. . We do not celebrate Ramadan neither… Mother’s Day was making a card and buying flowers for mum.. Father’s Day was making a card and buying poor day new socks. Even if he had a draw full of socks. New socks… Christmas tree going up was a family event. And sending cards only mum and dad got there hands on the. Until you started high school and asked if you could have so e cards PLEASE. Because you never had money unless you really needed it then it was I will buy what you need.. We were not game to through a tantrum. Omg never. I was rude once shopping I,m 52 and I remember what happen to me. Not pretty … No dish washer we did the dishes yes us kids did the dishes … After leaving school we paid board and had to help out at home… Saturday was mums shopping day and all had to be home… One went shopping with mum the other three. Stayed at home. To do the house work. . We had a chores board and we knew if we want to go out. We had to do our chores … Scrub bathroom liz. Wash floors Kathy. Vacuum. Judy. Change linen all girls. Washing. All girls. Shopping with mum. Ha ha Margaret’s turn .. We ll hated shopping with mum. . She had no routine she would drag you from one end of the street to the other .. Yeah no shopping malls like now … No fruit veg shop butcher. Super market. .. Four teenagers all girls. Yep. All getting periods mum owned shares in brown paper bags and pads.. And they had to be put I. The out side bin.. I forget to mention dusting. Who ever did that room did dusting. … Yes so mum and Margaret would leave at 9 yes shops open at 8.30. And would be home after lunch by then all was finished… And our treat fresh bread rolls for lunch with cold meat . A d maybe just maybe a bottle of lemonade to share between four girls all teenagers .. Oh yes we fought. Kicked spat scratched hissed. Smacked each other .. . Dad would of had enough. A d sing out do I need to come in there… Quite. Then I might say to my sister. In a whisper. Bitch …. Dad would sing out liz come here. .. Did I say enough. Yes…….. Fine vacuum right through. ….. Wow she was a bitch…. Lol. They are gone now. And life has changed. Mobiles kids do not speak to there parents now. They eat I. Front of the t.v. They get e erything that opens and shuts turns o. And off .. Are we doing the. Any flavours. .. Be a use we earn the money so we feel we need to give give give. .. What about the money you might need tomorrow … We did not get much. And my pare to worked and worked bloody hard. My father on the railway my mother in a factory the. On the railway. . So I had shift working parents … We never used the home phone unless we asked… My so. Walked I to my home he is 31 he asked mum can I use you home phone please .. This is how it should be … We do not

owe our children. Anything .. But what we should be doing is teaching them respect love and to be honest. And to like the. Selfs. If you like who you are then you will be happy if you are honest you never need to look over your shoulder if you treat people with respect they will hold you I. High asteam if you donate what you can afford twice a year the world will be a better place..

Posted by liz007, 26th October 2013

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