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Ok, so I’m petrified of needles, always have been. But decided it was finally time to suck it up and put my brave “mummy can do anything” face on, and roll up my sleeve and donate blood. So, I get to the blood bank, check in, get weighed and measured (BMI) and take a seat and fill in forms. After I’ve filled out the forms, I am then interviewed by a nurse, where she asked questions and checked my iron levels with a drop of blood and checked my blood pressure. All the time nurse Bek is talking, I’m thinking to myself, something will render me “unfit” to donate. Yeah, no, nothing. I was fit as a fiddle. Now I’m feeling like a kid on their first day at school, excited but scared, but it’s ok for kids. Now this scared mummy has to toughen up.
Right, onto the comfy reclining chair I go. I was offered a blanket, to which I didn’t take. Nurse Bek was always reassuring and offering drinks. Heck, maybe I should just go there to feel pampered. Offerings of blankets and drinks, all this and I haven’t even given a drop of blood. Well, I guess she was buttering me up. Now, time for the needle. Ok, it didn’t actually hurt, THAT much, did a bit though. But it was over pretty fast. The lovely Bek, stayed by my side for a while. It felt weird, but ok. Eight minutes later, the needle is out and I’m sipping on a cordial with my huge bandage on my arm, that’s right people, I just gave blood and feeling pretty damn good, whoozy, but good about it.
Being a first timer you sit for a bit, though I’m told anyone can sit for a bit. Tatijana (the nurse who removed the needle) shows me my donation and tells me “you have juicy veins”. Why thank you Tatijana, but I bet she says that to everyone to make them come back. Wow, I actually put out 600ml. Now, I’m feeling all hero like. Then she tells me, this will save 3 people. THREE people, for sitting in a chair for 8 minutes. Well, well, I may be petrified of needles, but this mama will be back, well that was in February. May the 5th I’m booked in again.
Yes, it hurts a little, but it could save you, or a loved ones life. I received a transfusion when I had my first cheeky monkey nearly 6 years ago, and that same lil monkey had a transfusion when she had a hip operation as a bub. I’m proud to say I’m now a donor. Oh, they also have some awesome snacks after.
So unless you have a condition (medical, being scared pretty much is invalid), or a religious belief stopping you, why not save 3 lives? There are some other things that can stop you from donating and some just have a wait period. Give the guys at the vampire bank a call on 13 95 96
You can find out everything at the Australian Red Cross Donate Blood page here http://www.donateblood.com.au/
Posted by 220606, 18th April 2013
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