

Today I had my daughter and her two cousins to look after for the afternoon. When I aked what they wanted to do, they all sai they wanted to make a volcano. My daughter is 4 and my nieces are 8 and 11. We spent over an hour making a huge batch of play dough and dying it with food colour and then making a dinosaur world in my bath tub with trees, waterfalls and ofcourse a volcano. Finally we made the volcano erupt over and over again with vinegar and bi carb soda.
The kids had so much fun and it reminded me that what kids really want is our time and our attention.

Posted by mom121707, 2nd July 2015

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  • Sounds like a great day! Very Good!


  • So true and sounds like a lot of fun :)


  • What an epic idea using your bathtub to make this! Easy cleanup too!


  • Sounds like you all had a great day, I might have to do make a volcano with my little brother in law and daughter .


  • What a great day! I remember making volcanos erupt with my girls. Lots of fun.


  • That sounds like an awesome day, I might have to try making a volcano with my daughter.

    • I hope you do, it’s a bit messy but easy and fun for grown ups too!


  • Thats sweet
    We made one not long ago too
    just sitting with the kids are creating things is such a huge deal for them
    time and attention is their favourite


  • :-) The best gift we can give to our kids, is our time indeed!!


  • This is one of my favourite activities! I get more excited than kids!


  • My eldest loves the afternoon we have together without his younger siblings… Because he gets more of my focus.


  • Yes it is very true, what they want is “us spending times with them” it doesn’t matter what we do. And that time is well spend as well, as they will create great memories. Hope you have more great times with them. Thanks for sharing your story with us.

    • too true! kids are always trying to please us! we give them praise and attention and they love it.


  • that sounds great! you could post pics in the craft section, if you have got them

    • Everyone would absolutely love this project! Way too much messy fun! :)


  • That’s awesome. I bet they had a ball. I love doing things with my daughter


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