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It was a hot day in our little coastal town yesterday afternoon, so after a long day at school my eldest boy went with a couple of friends to the beach. After a couple hours swimming the boys headed for home on their skateboards.

Coming down the road my sons skateboard wheels hit a patch of loose pebbles on the path and needless to say lost control and fell off rolling along the path before coming to a sliding halt in the road. His mates caught up to him and after learning that my son had hit his head and was light headed, the boys sat him down and asked a passing motorist for help, the couple in their late 40’s than stated “no we can’t” and drove off down the road.

The boy’s than walked along the road until my husband who was in his way to pick them up drove past, after seeing his right arm bleeding, burnt from the ground and missing skin and complaints if a sore wrist off to the hospital we went , a patched up arm and a fractured wrist he is now regretting his little stunt, showing off as boys do and sleeping peacefully after some pain relief.

I still find it hard to swallow and understand or to fatham how someone could drive off on kids or anyone for that matter, it’s just plain heartless.

Posted by Amy Browne, 12th February 2014

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  • You may have had a lucky escape. God knows what that couple may have done if those kids got in there car. You can’t be too careful nowadays


  • what asses who wouldnt help x


  • It is hard to understand without knowing their reasons.


  • I hope Karma catches up with those two jerks who wouldn’t help your son.


  • It’s very sad that someone wouldn’t do something to help, especially when they can see that someone is hurt or injured. Shame on them, I hope it doesn’t come back to haunt them when they need help. I’m so glad that your son is o.k., because a broken arm will mend, but the damage to his pride may take a little longer to forget.


  • I do find it disgusting that no one stopped to help kids, and to be honest I blame the kid that threaten to “truck” people. In case you dont know what being “trucked” is, its being hit with a skateboard wheels first. (NOT saying these kids ever have or would say that, just saying it might be why, I have had the threat of being “trucked” while sitting on a train minding my own business.

    • That’s a first for me. Have near heard of trucking before.

      • I had never ever heard of this term either.


  • A lot of people are scared that it is a scam – sometimes being a good samaritan these days puts you in danger. Such a shame that no one stopped to even check that they were OK


  • Things have all changed now, nothing like the days we grew up. It is sad to know that they did not want to help but in today”s world a lot of people are scared to help out just in case something happens to them. There are some people who would still help though.


  • In this fast paced world today a lot of people are losing their empathy!


  • unbelievable – makes you wonder sometimes!


  • They sound so rude and selfish!!! what horrible people!


  • I wonder if they ever had kids of their own…? I hope your son is feeling better


  • This seems to be happening more than it should these days, what is wrong with people? I’m glad he was ok


  • some people these days so so rude


  • even if they had offered to call you to let you know it would’ve been better than just not helping at all.


  • That’s absolutely disgraceful of those people! I believe that what you put out into the world you receive back. I hope your son is on the mend.


  • i dont understand that some people i thought mothers would stop


  • People like them are selfish and heartless…. Hope they change for a better person in future


  • I am literally speechless .


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