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Whenever I go to public swimming pools the chlorine, and whatever other chemicals are in the water, always seems to irritate me. If I don’t get red eyes during the swim then I’ll have runny eyes for hours afterwards, and sometimes a full blown hay-fever like reaction for more than a day. And swimming costumes rarely last too long (although I ought to try the chlorine resistant ones to see if they are any better!).
And despite all these chemicals myself (and my children who swim more regularly) still seem to come away with our fair share of hygiene issues – from ear infections, to verrucas or warts on the toes and feet. Flip flops are meant to help and ear plugs but somehow the problems persist.
Thus it was quite a surprise when I started swimming regularly (that means once most weeks in the summer and at least a few times already this autumn/winter!) and I found something positive about all those chemicals in the water. What can be positive about a load of chemicals that make swimming costumes disintegrate but which don’t kill the verrucas?
Well, there is something those chemicals are doing, which is having a more positive effect on a toe nail infection that I have been treating for years. After a few months of swimming I have actually seen the size of the infection shrink and new good nail grow! It is getting better!
There was a great question posted about toe nail fungus a while ago (see https://mouthsofmums.com.au/mom-answer/do-you-have-a-natural-topical-or-oral-treatment-for-toenail-fungus/ ) and I have tried the different remedies, including home-made soaking in vinegar, and various tinctures that are meant to help, but the problem has never quite gone away, until just recently when I added in the swimming.
A quick google showed me that other people had found something similar and were asking “can swimming pool water cure toenail infections?” because they had also experienced improvement in their conditions after regular swimming, although a few experiences suggested it might depend on the type of toe nail infection that was present
So who would have thought that toe nail fungus might be helped by regular exposure to chlorine disintegrating swimming pool water?! and those allergic reaction promoting chemical nasties had a positive side-effect after all!
Posted by mom176887, 3rd May 2016
mom468368 said
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mom176887 replied
- 03 May 2016 , 5:00 pm
mom93821 replied
- 04 May 2016 , 7:46 am
mom93821 said
- 03 May 2016
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