6 Comment
back when i was a kid my parents owned and opperated their own bakery at which me and my older sister worked in from a very young age although we loved helping our mum and dad we wished just to be able to come home from school and play or go to freinds house and play that is somthinke we did not get to do we had to work, yet my younger sister and brother got to do what ever it was they wanted to do they did not have to help out at all which pissed us off but as we all got older my moved around a bit always moving the bakery until one day me and my sisters left leaving them to do it by them selfs and get our own lifes on tract we still loved them it it was our time now, they now work other jobs but they tell me that our brother that was given every think has turned on them treating them like crap but that tell me that if you look after all us the same maybe things would have turned out different .
Posted by annemaree, 27th June 2013
stepmom107932 said
- 31 Dec 2014
mom57522 replied
- 04 Jan 2015 , 10:39 pm
Michelle said
- 29 Jul 2014
3timesamum said
- 26 Jun 2014
jodie80 said
- 31 Mar 2014
tushy said
- 27 Jun 2013
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