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The pressure to return to work once bubs is born is so upsetting. When pregnant the ‘harrassment” started by asking when ill be back. Once bubs was born the family and old work mates asked. Then the pressure to place my child into day care began. When bubs was 6 months old work was calling me and trying to get me to return. But I knew what my heart wanted, no way was I placing my child into day care just to work. I wanted to be with my baby and enjoy watching her grow. When she turned 1 my son was born, and then the pressure to place her into day care began just so i could be alone with son. It was making me furious, “just shut up about day care!!” i wanted to scream at these people! Funny thing is once work left me alone it was the family placing pressure on me.
So now daughter is 3 and son is 2 and they have never been to day care and ive chosen not to work. Daughter is enrolled into preschool for next year and the son after that. Once both kids are in primary school then i will return to a caual retail position so that i can always be there for them if need be. After all, i am a mum and by wanting to be a mum you take on roles and i always want to be there for my children and i’m always there by their sides to watch them grow.
Thats why i love being a stay at home mum, its a tough job but the most rewarding.
Posted by moonstone, 6th May 2013
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