
31 Comment

Today kicked my butt. And I mean really kicked. my. butt.

It started at 5.40am when the same council workers that had been there at 10pm, arrived and started their day of work outside my home. This alerted the dog who deemed it necessary to tell the whole neighbourhood there were strangers afoot! As you might imagine, loud dogs wake babies. In this case, my two.

I’ve been pooped on (twice), pee’d on, thrown up on (again, twice), painted on and scraped mashed potato off my leg.

I may have forgotten deodorant in all the excitement and that, combined with 30+ degree heat and a few sunscreen applications, makes for a smell I’m not quite sure I’ve ever smelt before. There may or may not have been some light bladder leakage as well. Yay for a post-baby body.

You can imagine my disdain when hubby walks in the door from work and shoots straight into the shower.

What did I get out of today? Besides a reality check on my own BO, these two artworks:



and a kiss goodnight from this face:


Bring on tomorrow!

How was your day? SHARE WITH US in the comments below.

Main image courtesy of Shutterstock.com

  • I really miss having little ones. My job working with special needs kids however does me a daily taste of it again.


  • Yep, you got to think, tomorrow is a brand new day!


  • What a mammoth day! Glad you got through it


  • Oh I hear you, I hate it when hubbies get home and have ashore straigh away! Grrr


  • I try and put a positive spin on a bad start to the day. It can only get better from here!!


  • 5:40am is a sleep in at our house! Of course, I know my kids will be little roosters and up early so I compensate by going to bed earlier. A bit of extra sleep makes everything a little easier. How cute is that little painted face at the end of this article though! What a sweetie!


  • Tomorrow WILL be better – that’s the only way to keep on getting through days like this


  • The story of pretty much every mum… lol


  • Oh yeah, I think we all can relate to that 🙂 And how do I understand your feelings when hubby comes home and straight away jumps in the shower…if only mummies could have an undisturbed shower !! But aw the reward of a beautiful smile and precious artworks makes it all worthed indeed !


  • Oh that made my evening! I had just been sitting in a heap on the couch, looking vaguely at the TV, wondering if I could classify today as a really crappy day…..I think I will and glad someone else is thinking the same!!!!


  • the smile on their faces, the beautiful artworks they make for you, and all that hair you pulled out today, it is all worth it when they are sleeping soundly at night. Down time and a kiss on the forehead goodnight really puts things into perspective and makes me appreciate how rewarding motherhood really is. 🙂


  • And that makes for a wonderful day. How can you top that? Enjoy it for it doesn’t always repeat itself.


  • Until they grow up to become a little older person, this will be a routine I’m afraid.


  • OMG, this whole week has kicked my butt!!


  • You tackled that butt kicking day like a pro! Those days are just to keep mums on their toes.


  • Those artworks are pretty amazing! I always struggle when we have exceptionally interrupted sleep or early starts, but hey, it’s a mum life. I’m amazed what I can survive on

    • It is amazing how little sleep you can live on. I’d never believed it before I had kids.


  • I love those artworks. And your daughter has a beautiful smile!!
    I hope the council workers will stop soon. I can imagine how distressful the all situation can be.


  • Not the best day. A lot of days kick my arse unfortunately at the moment!


  • Not the best day, but so worth it when you see that gorgeous face. I would be looking into the council workers. Aren’t there laws for starting and finishing times by these workers? Pretty sure 10pm is way too late and 5.40am is way too early. Might be worth enquiring about


  • Sending hugs mum a. We all have days like that. You are doing a great job


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