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How to deal step children and their mother when we...

My partner and I are expecting our first baby in a few months, and due to the high-risk...

1 Answers

Advice needed for sons first surgery

My 17 month old is about to have his first surgery. It’s quick, low risk and should be successful but I know when...

18 Answers

Tricky bottle feeders

Baby number 4 will NOT take a bottle. Have figured out she dislikes the taste of formula so any suggestions on how to...

10 Answers

Baby is screaming at feeds

Hi Mums Long time reader, first time poster. Looking for a little bit of help/words of support to help my sanity and stress levels Over the...

18 Answers

Co sleeping

I’m a single mum with a king size bed, I also follow the safe sleeping guidelines for co sleeping… but does anyone else...

18 Answers

Travel recommendations with 7 month old?

Driving – 3 week round trip.

12 Answers

How do you transition baby from contact napping?

My son will not sleep unless he’s skin to skin with me or in my bed. He hates...

12 Answers

Recommendations for soft noise cancelling ear muff...

Does anyone have any recommendations on soft, noise cancelling ear muffs/headphones for my 9 month old baby? She...

3 Answers

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