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Kids’ birthday parties can be expensive, so when multiple children don’t turn up, after saying they would, it can be disheartening.

So this mum is asking if she’d be within her rights to ask parents to pay back what she paid for their children to attend.

The mum says she hosted a birthday party for her child at a local play centre, which cost around $40 per child. On the day of the party, two siblings who had said they were coming, didn’t show up.

“The parents were apologetic but said they had forgotten and wouldn’t make it on time for any of the party,” the mum explained on an online forum.

One of the siblings had a dietary requirement and I paid an extra $20 for different food for them.

“Am I being unreasonable to ask that the parents reimburse me for the cost? If you were going to do this, how would you word it?”

The mum says she knows it was her choice to have an expensive party, but is interested in the opinions of other parents.

So, what are your thoughts? Leave your advice in the comments below. 

  • No I don’t think it’s appropriate to ask for money back. Accidents happen, it wasn’t done with malicious intent. I hope they still have a nice gift though.


  • This makes me anxious about kids bday parties so much politics I think always in these situations put yourself in the other persons shoes and let that guide you. I personally always fell hurt and annoyed when I’ve got no shows but it’s apart of life I guess !


  • You could maybe ask the Mum to pay the extra $20 you had to pay for the child with the dietary requirement. Maybe next time, if a child has a special dietary requirement let that child’s mum to pay any extra required.


  • No you can’t sorry. This happens at parties all over the world everyday. it’s a part of throwing a party for your kids.


  • I would be really upset with parents if kids won’t turned up for my kids party. Party is expensive to organise and parents should be responsible. I would ask them what happened why your kids didn’t come?


  • I think that in theory it sounds perfectly reasonable to ask to be reimbursed, but good luck getting the parents to pay up. I think manners would dictate that they still buy a really nice gift to say sorry. Not sure if that has happened?

    • I agree with your comment. It would be the decent thing to do.


  • Not worth the probable outfall if you did, but I would certainly not be inviting them again to future events and let your child know why so he/she doesn’t invite them without you knowing. Good luck


  • We all forget things at times and they were apologetic. Accept their apologies and let it go.


  • You don’t host a party and charge your guests to come, attending or not


  • I personally wouldn’t ask to be reimbursed but I probably wouldn’t invite them again


  • My answer is no. Not appropriate and it will not end well if she asked to be reimbursed.


  • I wouldn’t bother, you will just get a rude response and no money, so you’d really be only doing it to vent your frustrations and have a go at the other parent. Best to just not bother inviting there kids anywhere leave it at kids can see each other at school

    • Yeah, it’s very unlikely she will pay and it only will add to your frustrations; not a good plan


  • I’m sorry, as much as it was so rude of this Mum I don’t think you can ask to be reimbursed. I find many parents these day rude and inconsiderate when it comes to party etiquette. Lesson leant, I guess.


  • It’s tempting, isn’t it? But I don’t really think you can ask.


  • Frustrating, for sure, but I don’t think you can ask a reimbursement. For all you know they had different reasons to not attend but didn’t want to disclose.


  • oh you can’t ask for them to pay if they don’t show up. Yes its frustrating but you’ve already paid and you have to suck it up.


  • While I completely understand your frustration, no, I don’t think you can ask them to pay.


  • I think it is rude to ask for money back. You will always fine 1 – 2 kids can’t make a party on the day due to various reasons. You chose that venue and were happy with the cost so unfortunately if you are going to pick something so expensive then you need to be prepared that someone might not be able to make it on the day. I would be mortified if someone asked me to pay for my child not being able to make it.


  • It has happened to me but the thought of asking for money has never occurred to me. It’s not something I would do.


  • No I wouldn’t ask the parents to reimburse the costs unless you booked a planned activity like high ropes course, go karting etc. For party at a play centre I would always account for 1 or 2 no shows – sickness (either parents or children), time constraints, we know parents are busy and they seemed apologetic for it.


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