
16 Comment

This is the easiest thing craft you will ever make and it is done in 2 minutes. Then sit back while the kids are minions for the rest of the afternoon.


  • 1 yellow paddle pop stick
  • 1 blue texta and 1 black texta
  • 1 minion eye


  1. Colour in the bottom half of the paddle pop stick blue.
  2. Stick on a minion eye.
  3. Draw a mouth and you're done.


The minion eye used here comes from leftover school book contact paper. You could alternatively use a "googly" eye or just draw one. If your kids are particular though, you can download them on the net - just Google "minion eye". You can add hair if you like, just use a black pipe cleaner and glue it to the back.

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This project was posted by:

    • 08 Jan 2016
      2:44 pm

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  • What’s with all the pop stick tricks! I haven’t got any minion eyes either 🙁

    • You could download them from the internet or just draw them on! Kids will love them all the same


  • I love minions so do my girls haha this is good one!…. BANANA!!


  • A really good idea I must say! Thank you.


  • They’d make great bookmarks too. Thank you for the idea.


  • What an incredible idea. They look amazing thanks.


  • Update: these are still being played with daily and are no worse for wear!


  • Such a lot of fun for kids these holidays! Very cute.


  • Gorgeous! Where does one buy the minion eyes?

    • in the comments from the poster- she got these from book cover contact. you can print out some minion eyes also 🙂


  • A little bit of Minion Magic! Madly in love with this project – thanks!


  • yep i reckon to put a magnet on the back of this. it would be so awesome! the kids would love it! these would also make great rewards chart markers especially with a magnet 🙂

    • I like the idea of attaching magnets to the back of the Minions.

      • I think the magnet is a great idea as is the puppet show with these ones.


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