
We’re smack bang in the middle of sniffle season, so there’s no better time to teach your toddler how to blow their nose – and this trick is so simple they’ll have it mastered in no time!

Occupational Therapist Kati Olsen shared the simple tip, which your toddler will find fun, making it much easier for them to learn how to blow their nose.

Kati shared a video on Instagram, demonstrating the tip, which involves using a toilet paper roll and a pom pom. Here are her instructions:

  1. Get a toilet paper roll.
  2. Place a pom in the end.
  3. Show your toddler how to blow the Pom out of the roll.
  4. Then have them try.
  5. Place the roll on their nose away from their mouth.
  6. Say Blow. And blow your nose yourself so they can see you demonstrate.
  7. They love it when the Pom goes flying! Instant reinforcement and gratification!

Kati does warn parents not try this with an active runny nose, so it’s best to practice it when they don’t actually have a cold!

She also says it may take a few turns for your toddler to master it, “but once they get it with the toilet paper roll have them practice with tissue paper. Following the same steps”.

If your little ones are getting constant colds and stuffy noses, make sure you take a look at our 11 Best Baby Snot Suckers For Babies and 11 Steam Vaporisers And Humidifiers For Babies.

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  • There are some great ideas here!


  • Good to know! I’ll have to give it a try with my little one.


  • That’s a great tip. Wish I’d known about this when my boys were little.


  • Occupational therapists generally have very good & practical tips


  • Haha a great tip


  • I’ve seen this video a few times and it’s so clever!!! Definitely will give this ago to teach my 2 toddlers to blow their noses


  • Genius! 6 kids and i never thought of that


  • This is brilliant…


  • Very clever idea and yet so simple. Thanks for the tip.


  • This is clever. Wish I’d known it when my kids were younger.


  • This is a great idea. A lot of kids have trouble learning to blow their noses.


  • I don’t remember having to teach my daughter to blow her nose. I guess she worked it out for herself :D


  • Wow, very clever!!!
    Thank you for sharing this as I’m pretty sure both my kids still don’t really know how to blow their noses properly.


  • Very clever and so easy!


  • worth a try, clever idea


  • Clever idea, worth a try.


  • We tried this strategy with our youngest who has Down Syndrome, it didn’t work in her case and snot suckers were a great tool


  • We never had an issue with this skill; but a good tip for those that need a little extra help.

    • I imagine; best to try when the nose is not too runny!


  • Great idea! (but isn’t it called a ‘pom pom’ ?)


  • Will definitely try this. Always willing to experiment.


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