Teacher’s tell the ABC about the biggest classroom disruptions they have experienced.
One teacher tells ABC she had three Year 9 boys skip her class and smear their poo all over the school gymnasium walls, while others had been cursed with the full spectrum of offensive profanities.
Other teacher’s shared they have had a student pointing a replica gun at them, an entire class deciding to ignore the teacher in silent protest, chairs thrown, threats and overturned desks.
Two global reports have revealed Australian classrooms are among the most disorderly
Dr Sue Thompson from the Australian Council for Education and Research (ACER) said the environment is challenging for teachers.
“Level of noise and disorder reported in the classroom is one of the highest in the OECD [countries] and it’s a problem at grade 4 and grade 8 level as well as at year 9 and 10 level,” she said.
The Federal Education Minister Simon Birmingham said teachers and principals need more support, as well as parents playing their part in addressing the issue.
“Parents must be part of the solution this cannot be something that rests on the shoulders of teachers and principals alone because attitudes, respect are of course formed as much in the home environment and the rest of life as they are in the school community itself,” he said.
A Facebook poll conducted by 7 News Australia asking if parents are responsible for poorly behaved children?
So far out of 5160 votes, 71% replied YES!
Read more – Aussie kids falling behind at school due to poor parenting says expert
This is the first year for me as a high school parent and to say I am shocked at some of the behaviour I hear about is an understatement.
Chairs thrown in class. Swearing at teachers. Destroying equipment in the playground. And all this from a young girl.
Respect is something we need to continue to drum into our kids from toddler to teen and beyond. Gosh I remember we were always too scared to talk back to our teachers. That is certainly not the case today!
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