


It’s such an exciting time – you’ve endured the long pregnancy but you’re at the end now, you’ve made it. Or have you? Sometimes it’s hard to tell, sometimes there are false starts, so we asked you to tell us about the moment you KNEW you were in labour, and you certainly delivered!

Here are 10 of the moments you shared:

  1. Hahaha I didn’t until I needed to go to hospital. My friend told me I was. We were having afternoon tea at a friends house and my friend looked at me and said, “are you in labour?” I said I didn’t know and told her how it felt, and she said, “Oh you definitely are”. I spent the evening timing contractions and after about 4 hours my hubby looked across and asked what I was doing. Then he asked if I was in labour and I said I didn’t know. I definitely knew a couple of hours later! Lol H. Wilmot – Facebook
  2. My partner and I had just moved house the night before and I was awake all night with terrible back pain (being my first baby I just put it down to sore muscles from the move) and I had this strange urgency to get the bassinet set up the next morning. Then, as soon as we finished my waters broke! I was 3 and 1/2 weeks early. Our little boy was born early that afternoon healthy at 5 pound 9. C. Elizabeth - Facebook
  3. With my first it was a 24 hr labour and took me at least 8 of those hrs to make me realise I was actually in labour not just having an incredibly sore back. S. Hollier – Facebook
  4. Please don’t laugh but with all three of mine the first sign of labour was the burning pain that starts as they come out. And that was with all the nurses sitting beside me explaining what types of pain relief I would like to use once labour starts…thankfully I was already in hospital hey lol. T. Lloyd - Facebook
  5. I didn’t. Daughter was two weeks late so I went to see my midwife and she tells me I’m already in labour and probably have been for a few days! S. Norris – Facebook
  6. Wish I could, 3 children and no labour pains at all. Water broke and that was it. J. Shalders – Facebook
  7. I first knew when it felt like my body was trying to kill me with intense pain. S. SicelyFacebook
  8. When I woke up and thought I’d peed myself, water broke first thing in the morning C. MarilynFacebook
  9. 1st time I didn’t know but my mum told me I was (she was correct) we were at the Bingo lol. E. Barkley – Facebook.
  10. When I thought I needed to pass wind badly. Realised it was labour pains at 32+5. S. Mcbryde – Facebook

When did you KNOW you were in labour? SHARE your thoughts with us below!

Image courtesy of Shutterstock.com

  • My last labour was 90mins in total. We only just made it to the hospital :D


  • Interesting labour stories, thanks for sharing.


  • I didn’t go into labour, I had C-sections (planned & emergency).


  • With my first I was induced. With my second I started getting period like cramps every 2 min and 30min later he came rushing into the world. Didn\’t even make it to the car much less the hospital!


  • I was induced so my pregnancy was very much planned. However, I had to have my water broken and then wait for labour to kick in.


  • Wish I had had some warning – just got to the hospital in time twice.


  • Love the variety of stories. The last one made me smile – bad wind!


  • Some funny stories here. Sounds like mum knows best!


  • I was induced with my first child and after 8 hours of early labour (only ever got to 3cms) I had an Emergency C – Section. Due to complications with this pregnancy it will be a planned C – Section between 37 & 38 weeks.


  • Lke lo


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