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I have been going through some of my old photos today and have decided to share with you a few of the moments that have made me laugh. Particularly phases my kids have been through. Some of them I would have been tearing my hair out at the time but now I can smile.

I have photos of pouty faces and nappy cream disasters. Tantrums over the wrong colour socks, wedgie butts and every time they fell asleep in their high chair. I have kept memories of both the good and the bad knowing that when I look back it will be all part of the journey.

Here are 3 Parenting Moments That Will Make You Giggle

  1. The Underpant Bandits. This phase isn’t over yet. They look like they are planning to rob a train with undie helmets as protection.  I apologise in advance to my kids if they discover this article in high school or their friends do – my bad. But I reserve the right to have a giggle and its great practice for when I’m a mother in law bringing out photos at Christmas dinner.




2. Getting Into EVERYTHING. I’m not going to say at the time I would have been giggling.  This was a particularly frustrating time. Especially with my third child. I couldn’t turn my back for long and she would be inside a cupboard or pulling things out of draws. Child safety locks weren’t much help either. She worked every single one out. I  can laugh about it now and I’m blessed to have strong willed children.


3. Uber Excited Trying To Concentrate Face. My oldest boy. He would be concentrating and excited at the same time. His mouth would just be wide open. It looks like he’s saying something. No. Nothing. Mouth is just wide open in a kind of “I’m so excited…trying to concentrate….tits all too much” way. I call it the “Catching flies” phase because he would do it for so long i’m surprised he didn’t end up with bugs in his mouth more often.

What kind of phases have your children been through? SHARE with us in the comments below.

Main image source: Shutterstock

  • Underpants on the head….. such a fashionable look 😀


  • We know only too well the Getting Into Everything Phase. Never far away for an adventure lol.


  • Do they all do the undies thing? I remember a stage when my son and his cousin would run around the house with undies on their heads? It was so funny. I thought they were the only ones to do it!! They do grow up so quickly and it is great to have these photographic memories.


  • Cherish those moments !!


  • Yes – remember all these phases and a few more. Like you I can laugh about it now.


  • hahaha love this! My kids are in trouble when they start bringing partners to meet us!


  • i have had these moments from my children they must be a common thing kids like to do!!


  • I call it mr cranky scowly face when ive done something wrong in his eyes


  • Oh yeah, underpants on the head, getting into everything and funny faces are things we better cherish for ever 🙂


  • So cute, I love looking back at old photos and family videos.


  • How adorable. Looking back there are so many good memories, even if I didn’t know it at the time.


  • My kids haven’t done the underpants on the head thing yet – am I doing something wrong ? hahahahahaha 🙂


  • These are funny. We are going through the everything is a drama phase with our threenager


  • When my cousin was about 4 or 5 years old she dressed her kitten in one of her big doll’s dresses, wrapped it up and wheeled it around the back yard in her doll’s pram. It actually went to sleep.
    An old family story. A little kindergarten age boy and his Mum were visiting his Aunty’s place. The baker delivered your bread and put it in the container you provided on the front verandah. The little boy ate the middle out of it.
    His Aunty thought it was funny but contacted the Mum becuase she realised he wouldn’t want to eat to much of his dinner that night.
    I know a girl who when about 2 y.o. pulled out a drawer in a dresser, climbed part way into it, tipped it over on top of herself and knocked herself out.
    A 4 y.o. boy worked out how to attach his trike to his older sister’s big one high enough that its front wheel was up off the ground. His sister rode the bigger vike, towing the little one along with him on it. He still laughs about it.


  • These sorts of moments are very funny… In retrospect.


  • Great photos and great memories. I can’t think of any specific phase my daughter went through, other than the talking non-stop phase.


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