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Take one look at your favorite celebrity or the most influential social media influencers and you will notice that they appear to have perfect, healthy, and glossy-looking hair.

Of course, most celebrities have professional stylists to ensure their hair, and they, look perfect at all times.

But, you don’t need a professional to get your hair healthy and glossy-looking! All you need is the following five tips:

  1. Choose Your Shampoo Wisely

The most important part of creating healthy and shiny hair is to use the right product. That means ignoring the cheaper brands which rely on harsh chemicals to clean your hair. Instead, choose something from the nak hair care range.

You’ll find these products use natural ingredients which don’t strip the oil from your scalp. Considering this natural oil coats your hair and protects it, you don’t want to destroy it. The oil helps your hair to look shiny and prevents it from dehydrating. Don’t forget, dehydrated hair is dull, dry, and brittles. That is the opposite of what you are after.

  1. Brush Your Hair Properly

Wet hair is more easily damaged than dry hair, especially when brushing. This is because it is heavier and therefore more likely to place strain on the follicles. Of course, t is best to brush and style it when it is wet.

You, therefore, need to brush it properly. This means starting at the bottom and brushing small sections at a time. Hold the hair just above where you are brushing. This will prevent it from pulling on the scalp and possibly damaging the follicles.

  1. Eat A Balanced Diet

You may not realize it but your hair is primarily protein and water. That means you need a balanced diet with plenty of protein and water. Eating properly can help your hair look healthy and shiny.

The good news is that eating healthily offers benefits to your entire body, not just your hair! Eggs are a good source of protein and you can even put egg yolks directly on your hair to help it get the nutrition it needs.

  1. Use Anti-Frizz

If you are heading out for a special occasion or know that your hair dislikes humidity then an anti-frizz spray is a great idea. Simply lightly spray your hair before you head to that special occasion. You’ll find your hair looks and feels fantastic. However, you must remember to wash it out properly afterward. Anti-frizz products tend to be heavy, increasing the risk of hair damage

  1. Heat Protection Sprays Are Essential

Finally, if you use heat styling tools as most people do, then make sure you use a heat protection spray. This can prevent the hair strands from being dried out and dehydrating while you style them.

A good heat protection spray can also help to ensure that your hair is protected from the sun and the damage that its rays can do. You should apply it in the morning to protect your hair and keep it looking healthy.

What are your top tips for healthy and glossy-looking hair? Tell us in the comments below.

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  • Use a good quality hair oil which adds a lovely shine

    • That is exactly what I was going to suggest.


  • Thanks for sharing these tips – hopefully my hair will get more glossy looks now.


  • Thanks for the tips. Brushing wet hair is a big one, so easy to damage! And people don’t realise the importance of drinking water


  • I only blow dry my hair if I have to be somewhere in a hurry and I’ve just washed it. Otherwise I just let it dry naturally. Thanks for the tip to brushing my hair while it’s wet. Will be doing this from now on. Now I just need to stop my hair from falling out so much.


  • It is important stay hydrated too.


  • I used to have really dry hair from blow drying it every day. Now I wash my hair twice a week. It has made a huge difference to my hair. I have really thick and long hair that I’ve been trying to tame with the Anti-Frizz Shampoo (not really working for me, I’ll revert back to my Treseme that did the job so well) and the Anti-Frizz serum from John Frieda. The jury’s still out on this for me. But, the less washing is certainly better for my hair.


  • seems like heat protection sprays are the in thing at the moment. Eating healthily really makes a difference.


  • Those things we all know but never do


  • Great tips for me as i need a hair make over!


  • I actually observe most of this but still have horribly heat damaged hair.


  • hahahahahahhaa! I have dreads so most of this is kinda irrelevant, but I do take on board the necessity of good nutrition


  • I use a wide tooth comb on my hair when just washed (rather than a brush) and this has helped with reducing the dryness and split ends.


  • My hair looks fantastic after I’ve been to the hairdresser, and then not so good when it’s just me looking after it!


  • I like using hair oils such as Elvive to add shine and reduce frizz.


  • All really great things to remember and take note of, I must eat bette, more vegetables and protein.


  • I don’t have glossy looking hair, never had and never will…whatever I treat it with


  • Just recently purchased nak products so I’m excited to try it


  • I agree that the right shampoo makes a massive difference – and although the cheapest are usually horrible, there’s a fair range of mid-priced ones that are good.


  • The best thing I ever did was move to plant based shampoo and conditioner bars. My hair has never been healthier! That and looking up the Curly Girl Method.


  • I agree with eating well and it will show in your hair. I don’t own a brush and never brush my hair and it looks fine. I could probably do with a defrizz or a heat protectant though.


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