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When the working week and family life get the better of us, nothing beats spending time with a close group of girlfriends.

They get you, they have your back, and good times are guaranteed whenever you’re with them.

Here’s our top 5 things to do when you’re with your favourite group of people:

1.     Brunch

Call it cliché if you will, but who doesn’t love good food and good company?

Australia is blessed with an enormous amount of great cafes and eateries, so there’s always a new location (and more food) to discover when you want to have a catch-up with the girls.

2.     Clothing swap

You’d be hard pressed to find someone whose wardrobe did not have a bunch of things they did not wear, especially women!

Instead of letting these barely-worn items take up valuable wardrobe space, grab your girls to collectively look over everyone’s ‘unwanted’ clothing.

You’d be surprised what you may find, after all, one Mum’s trash is another Mum’s treasure.

3.     Movie night in

Sometimes, you just want to stay in, and let’s face it, being out and about all the time can be tiring.

Grab your favourite rom-com, horror flick, or comedy, and settle in on the couch together with your friends with some popcorn and chocolate (in your pyjamas!)

4.     High tea

There are times when you want to relax in track pants, and there are times when you want to dress up and hit up some place fancy.

A grand High Tea setting, like the national High Tea Party series, is the perfect way to catch up with girlfriends.

The best part? Not only will you be treated to high tea and bubbles, the event also includes boutique shopping, beauty and complimentary pamper stations.

5.     Working out

Exercising with girlfriends; whether it’s going for a run, or taking a pilates or yoga class, is a great way to stay disciplined and stick to your work out routine.

You’ll be having fun and keeping your body fit and healthy, everyone wins.

What do you like to do with your girlfriends? Share your ideas with us below.

Image courtesy of Shutterstock.com
  • It’s really true. I for one really need to start making time for me, you tend to lose yourself a little.


  • this is yummy


  • BC- before children, once a month, and my girlfriends and I would hold a swap:clothes, and shoes, and make up, jewellery and other bits and pieces. We would hold it at someone’s house and all bring a plate to share. I miss those days…


  • All of these i just love!


  • A group of us mums get together after school on fridays at a local beach, the kids go down to the beach whilst us mums have a chat and share afternoon tea. I actually really enjoy it, plus the kids are buggered afterwards.


  • thanks for sharing these tips – will keep these in mind


  • A good old yak on the phone while the little kids are asleep, or better still a coffee and a chat on our verandah while all the kids play together in the back yard. Child free time with friends???


  • It’s hard to find time for girlfriends when you have two crazy kids. I guess that is why it’s so special when you do get together.


  • Brunch movie, high teas are what we enjoy.


  • Join a volunteer gardening club.
    A round of mini golf or 10 pin bowling.
    A half day window shopping in antique stores.
    Wine tasting.


  • My girlfriends and I shop together, coffee together, do yoga, and have beauty treatments eg. Day Spa. These activities aren’t shared often enough though. Must work on that.


  • Finding the time in our schedules for us girl time is the hardest. Love the ideas though 🙂


  • Any thing that involves food is fine by me.
    Love this article although point 2 is only good if you are all around the same size.


  • Brunch is our favourite way to catch up – a great coffee and a good chat!


  • Brunch and good coffee is a favourite catch up activity. Love a good brunch and good coffee and good chat.


  • Great Ideas I will have to try some I haven’t we do brunch an go on movie nights but that’s about it..


  • Brunch does it for me… I love a good HOT coffee and finding new cafes that serve interesting meals. No preparation involved, just go and catch up with friends.

    • Coffee is my weaknesss. I love a good coffee. I don’t know how I would get through the day without coffee. This article has made me realise that I can’t remember the last time I actually caught up with any friends. I’m extremely busy, but I also need to make more of an effort to reconnect with people.


  • Hair and beauty sessions are fun.


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