Want to see extra digits in your bank account, not on the scales? Try these money-saving, health-boosting ways to save – your body and bank balance will thank you.
1. Stop buying bottled drinks
Soft drink junkie? Having a $3 can of Coke with your workday lunch will cost you around $15 each week, as well as adding about 3375 kilojoules to your intake! Switching these sugary drinks for a glass of water will save some serious cash. Money saved each week: $15
Money saved in a year: $780
2. Eat less meat
Cutting out two meat meals a week is an easy way to cut back on both saturated fat and expenses. Pulses like lentils and chickpeas, eggs and canned fish are all inexpensive forms of protein that can be quickly combined with veggies to make healthy and tasty meat-free meals. With 400g of chickpeas costing just 80c versus 400g of rump steak at $6, your wallet will thank you too.
Money saved each week: $10
Money saved in a year: $520
3. Cut back on take-away coffee
We won’t argue about your morning caffeine fix, but do you really need that second afternoon coffee? Or is it really just a few minutes away from your computer screen that you crave? Next time you’re feeling sleepy at 3.30pm see if a quick walk around the block is enough to revive you – movement will make you feel more alert and you’ll have saved yourself $3.50 on a cuppa.
Money saved each week: $17.50
Money saved in a year: $910
4. Cook at home
Cooking dinner can seem like just one more chore at the end of a busy working day, but your hips and hip pocket will thank you if you make the effort. Not only are you in control of what goes into your meal and how much ends up on your plate, it is cheaper. If you spend $10 on a home-cooked meal, two nights per week, compared to grabbing $20 takeaway you’ll save $20 every week.
Money saved each week: $20
Money saved in a year: $1040
5. Take leftovers for lunch
Another advantage of cooking at home? Leftovers for lunch. If you’re cooking for two, double the recipe and you and your partner will have a tasty Tupperware container ready to take to work the next day. Healthier and minus the sting of paying $10 for a sandwich with four lettuce leafs.
You should aim to take lunch from home a couple of times a week.
Money saved each week: $20
Money saved in a year: $1040
6. Hoard your loose change
Hide your loose change, and it will be a case of “out of sight, out of mind” when you pass the charity chocolate box, just begging for your gold coins. Put your coins in a tin or another enclosed container, and deposit the contents in your savings account each month.
Money saved each week: $10
Money saved in a year: $520
7. Walk and talk
Sunday brunch with girlfriends or your partner is a fabulous indulgence, but it’s an indulgence that’s probably costing you $25 a week. Swap that sit-down meal for a power walk with a takeaway latte – even a large one won’t cost you more than $5 – and you’ll save money on the move!
Money saved each week: $20
Money saved in a year: $1040
8. Dog walking
Getting paid to exercise? Sounds too good to be true, but that’s pretty much what dog walking means. For anything from $20 per dog per hour, you can get fit and earn money in one hit. Try advertising on local noticeboards or community websites – it costs you nothing, and all you need are a pair of runners and a few doggie treats.
Money earned each week: $40
Money earned in a year: $2080
It all adds up …
Even implementing one of these changes will save you some serious dosh. Try all eight? You’ll enjoy a whopping $7930 saving, not to mention the benefits to your health and wellbeing.
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