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To all the incredible Aunties out there, we salute you! Aunties play an incredibly special role in our kids lives and we want ALL Aunt’s to know – WE APPRECIATE AND LOVE you for all that you do.

Here are 8 reasons why Aunties are the BEST!


Image source: Pinterest

1. They ALWAYS arrive full of beans

Aunt’s seem to have endless energy and burst into the room full of smiles and fun. Yes, they’re also full of mischief, but they ALWAYS get a giggle or smile and our kids think that they are the best.

2. They offer our kids a different perspective

Sometimes Aunties have a different view on life and they are able to share that with our children and enrich their lives with it. They might offer a new perspective on a problem, different ideas for an art project or give a hand when our children are learning numbers and letters. Variety and different thought processes are vital to our kids learning to navigate social situations!

3. They are great listeners

Children have all different kinds of problems and issues that they may need a hand with, sometimes ones they would prefer to chat about with someone other than a parent. Aunt’s always come to the rescue and are always ready to sit down and listen and offer guidance. PLUS, they’re the best secret keepers!

4. They NEVER miss a birthday

It’s 7am on your kids birthday, you’re yawning and trying to wake up and suddenly the phone is ringing. Without even looking at your phone you know who is calling! It’s that incredible aunt who never misses an opportunity to call her niece or nephew, especially on their special day.

5. They love to look after their nieces and nephews

Need a night out? You know who to call. Not only do they give us parents a little break every now and again, they ENJOY doing it – but let’s face it, what’s cuter than our kids?!? A cocktail? No, NOTHING IS!

6. They will listen to endless stories

That 3 hour story about how the peanut butter got on the bread? They can repeat it back to you word for word.

7. They take the time to know everything about their nieces and nephews

Favourite colour? Tick. Favourite animal? Tick. Batman is better than Spiderman? Yep. You like icecream for dinner? Absolutely. They could ace a quiz on their favourite subjects!

8. They genuinely adore our children

Aunties love our kids unconditionally, just like us. You can see it on our kids faces when their Aunt walks into the room, when they’re picked up and kissed and cuddled, when they’re high-fived, when it’s as subtle as a wink cause the kids are too big now. It’s pure and unconditional and there is nothing more that we want for our children than to experience that love from all around.


Do you have any special Aunties in your life? Do your kids have a special bond with their Aunty? SHARE your thoughts with us in the comments below.


Main image source: Pinterest

  • Sadly i didnt get to be an Auntie.
    I would have loved to have some awesome kids to indulge


  • My daughter is an awesome aunt. Not having been able to have children of her own, she went out of her way to be the best auntie possible to her siblings children and never was a lady loved so much. She ticks everyone of those boxes and I couldn’t be more proud of her.


  • I never had an auntie that wanted to have me around. They didn’t think much of my Mum and so that meant they never thought much of me either. I had a good Mum and an Awesome Nanna who we lived with for a long time. Think I got a great deal there


  • I’ve been an auntie for a long time. I’m now enjoying being a great auntie too 🙂


  • I remember my aunt help me lot after my mother died.


  • I’m proud to say I have been that special Aunty to my niece and nephew. I love them so much and have so many fond memories of them. They’re now in their 20s and I feel like we’re still close enough as we have that bond from when they were kids.


  • I’m a awesome Auntie the kids love coming to my place for school holidays and join in with their cousins. I buy them great gifts, we make things together projects we plan for the next school holidays like building planter boxes and herb gardens and plan holiday destinations together. I am the fun Aunty too! No rules house. What happens at my place is a secret! (We stay up longer than bedtimes!) The kids love this !!


  • My aunty is awesome, 8yrs younger than mum so always seemed/seems cooler, and we love a lot of the same things.


  • Yes! I’m an auty to 6!!!!! Also my kids love their aunty.
    My aunt is one of my besties!


  • My kids adore my sister and she is ok to play with them but not for long????


  • I don’t have any siblings so no one on my side.
    Hubby’s sisters on the other hand (he has three), have kids of their own but one. One has 8 kids, the other 5 and the last doesn’t want kids so unfortunately our kids don’t really get baby sat or even really visited which is quite sad.


  • I am definitely this Aunty I just love to spend time with my nephews they are the light of my life


  • Not all aunties measure up unfortunately. Of the 5 aunties my sons have, only 1 puts in the effort!!! Luckily we have great friends who act as bonus aunts too.


  • My niece and nephews think I’m an awesome Aunty! Bless them! xx


  • Never had an aunty like that sadly and I so wanted to be that aunty to my nieces & nephew but distance and then family conflict had different ideas.


  • I used to be this Aunty, til I stopped speaking to my family and they stopped speaking to me lol


  • being an auntie is great, I have precious memories of one special aunt and I hope I’ve created a few special memories for my nieces and nephews.


  • I have been an auntie since I was quite young. It is one of the best roles in my life. I love taking on the role of the confidant, co-conspirator, entertainment, generous present giver and all round awesome relative. It really is a wonderful experience 🙂


  • My daughter is the best aunt any child could have – they all love her to bits and it is reciprocated.


  • Lol! I agree with the cool Aunt! 🙂


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