


‘The Secret Life of 4 and 5-Year-Olds’, is a British television series where 40 children spend time together at a school and are filmed with secret cameras.

Psychologists study how the children make friendships, learn to share, stand up for themselves, and find their place in a new social group.

In the latest episode, 4 year olds were placed in a room with a closed giant box, the ultimate temptation for curious kids.

Doctor Alison Pike, a developmental psychologist on the show , explains: ‘This is a twist on the original temptation task. Normally we put a temptation in front of children and we explicitly forbid them to touch it. In this case there is no explicit instruction. It’s going to be interesting to see, will the children create their own rules around this box or will they police the rules that they themselves create? Or instead, will they take advantage of the fact that there is no instruction and go wild?’

Watch and see how the episode unfolded:

  • Definitely interesting to watch. Mine isn’t even 4 and he opens everything!


  • This is an interesting experiment. Makes me think about how I would want to raise my kids, and how to instill discipline.


  • Mine think that boxes are toys. they definitely would have opened it


  • I think my daughter wouldn’t have opened the box. In particular at such a young age.


  • My daughter would most likely not opened the box.


  • Mine would absolutely open the box!


  • I have one daughter who would probably open the box straight away, but the other is more cautious, two opposite personalities!


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