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There comes a time in every child’s life when they need to learn about the birds and the bees, but for parents, it is often a very awkward conversation. 

Cut.com has released a new video showing parents teaching their children about sex for the very first time, and the results are both uncomfortable and hilarious.

The video is a great reminder that parenting isn’t always easy, and in the case of one little boy, sometimes they know much more than we think…

How old were your children when you first spoke to them about the birds and the bees? SHARE your experiences in the comments below. 

  • Very humorous, thank you for sharing.


  • Hahaha I love how the one boy knew from his sibling! That is quite similar to how I learnt, from the sex ed books my older brother brought home from school!


  • I really just went with the flow. As soon as they started showing signs of being interested and asking questions, that’s when I started talking about the birds and the bees


  • ha ha too funny! i laugh now, but im approaching the age of needing to talk about the birds and the bees and im not looking forward to talking about it. I will for sure though, i think it is important to let your children know about it and understand it.


  • Ah dreading this conversation. I know its going to happen sooner rather than later. I have asked my son about his interest in girls and approached kissing etc and so far even with all the girls chasing him he isn’t interested. I find it easy to approach the topic of drugs than sex


  • sounds awesome and looks great


  • some of this reactions were funny as. my daughter is only three so this talk is off the cards for ages. I was 8 when my mum gave it to me and dont remember much of it because i was so young.


  • We have open discussions in our household.. Sex being one of them! We feel if we are open enough about things, and tell the children the real answers, and no sugar coating things…


  • Mine is too young yet.. But would be interesting.. Kids are so much more exposed to sex nowadays..


  • HAHAHAHA! So awkward but so so cute!


  • can’t say that we have totally gone there although we live on a farm and they have known alot about the basic things for a long time we have never gone into fine details


  • Thanks for sharing this video; some of the parents were far more awkward than the kids!


  • I know this is a natural topic but it was awkward watching how uncomfortable both parents and children were. I agree with others that some of those kids were a bit too young and clearly didn’t want to talk about it.


  • My son asked something about how the sperm gets into the Mum the other day, I said I will tell you later (we were in the car and I was concentrating on driving and didn’t want to explain to my younger daugter also. I forgot about it and he hasn’t asked again. I’m waiting though.

    • A similar thing happened to me…and then she remembered 3 months latter!


  • My son first asked me about sex when he was about 7. He was actually referring to ‘gender’ instead of sex as I thought which he quickly pointed out to me!! We’ve always encouraged our son to ask us about sex and explained often kids tell stories or different versions. We will always tell him the truth!


  • Oh my god! Some of that was horrifying, my daughter is 7and we have not had that talk yet. Although she turned to me and said “you have to have sex to make a baby dont you?” I simply said yes and got a reply of “that is so weird” i said “no its not”


  • wow I think this would be the worst job that a parent has to do – not sure why as it is all natural but really dreading that moment!


  • Those poor kids and parents, they looked so uncomfortable. I think some of those kids were way too young to fully understand what was being said to them.
    I talked about it with my kids very simply when they were 5/6 and as they got older and asked more questions I gave them honest answers.
    I guess by about 10 or so they knew had been told the whole deal. When they were old enough to understand a bit more about their own bodies it made it easier for them to understand.


  • This is so funny! Brings back such wonderful memories! Lucky I had the book “Where Did I Come From?” which saved me from a lengthy explanation!

    • I remember this book and video, that’s how my mum taught me!


  • Not certain if all the children were ready for the talk.
    One must remember all children mature at different stages, but in saying that, it is important to have the talk before they hear and get told information from other children (which in some cases is just not the correct info).


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