
62 Comment

Quick and easy way to reuse old canvases.


  • 1 canvas
  • 1 jar/pkt mixed buttons and any additions of glitter/stickers etc (op shop/crazy clarkes)
  • 1 bottle of craft glue
  • 1 can of spray paint of your choice


  1. Take your used canvas and spray paint it all over carefully and evenly and allow to dry.
  2. Practice putting your picture together without the glue to make sure your idea fits. I made a little caterpillar picture and some flowers canvases for my girls room but just about anything looks great. Glue it all down and leave to dry.


You could also go the extra mile and spray over the whole canvas with the stuff people use for hanging their completed puzzles in frames.

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    • 10 Mar 2014
      11:05 am

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  • Also a great way to use up old buttons


  • I’ve got a couple of old canvases laying around. I’ve got cousins and they actually make pictures from buttons, put them in frames and sell them. They do quite well with them too


  • oh woww… I’ve got a few canvases that are in my garage now… yayyyy DIY!


  • The kids will have fun reusing that.


  • I really do like this idea for using old canvasses. It has many possibilities – thanks.


  • Great way to brighten up any child’s room. Economical too. Thank you.

    • Great to recycle items that you already have in your house


  • A fun and brilliant idea for recycling!


  • What a really great idea! Thanks for sharing this!


  • This is super cool, I like it lots.


  • Great for the kids to do during the holidays thanks


  • Practical recycling. 🙂


  • Great idea! Let your imagination go.


  • You could cover the whole canvas with fabric, staple at the back and then decorate if it is likely the paint will flake off whatever is already on there.


  • i like how this idea enables you to use up all those cute bits and pieces that you have laying around everywhere and make something with them

    • yes i like this idea a lot too lol. thanks for sharing it. so handy and can be so creative with it. lol


  • Looks so nice and colourful


  • A great activity for the kids


  • so pretty, a button piece of art, thanks for sharing 🙂


  • Re-purposing is a great way to use items that would normally go into landfill, love your idea.

    • I love repurposing items and loathe anything going to landfill that does not need too.


  • this is really cute and a clever way of recycling


  • Clever. good way to change the canvases around the house.


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