
49 Comment

A quick paper activity that shouldn't create too much mess!


  • 1 Piece of A4 paper or craft card
  • 1 Sharpie or black marker pen
  • 1 Pair of scissors
  • 1 Set of colouring pencils


  1. On your paper or card draw a large spiral with about 2.5cm between the lines, add a head in the centre and taper down to a tail at the end
  2. Draw in some scales and get your kids to colour their snake in, they could also paint or collage this too
  3. Carefully cut along your line starting from the edge, once opened your snake should spill out from the centre, you can tie a pipe cleaner or piece of string to the head to hang or animate your snake!


If you are not a confident drawer you should be able to find a printable online!

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This project was posted by:

  • mle00
    • 23 Mar 2014
      12:50 pm

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