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It’s the fear of the unknown for famous Australian biscuit brand Arnott’s as their American owners prepare to sell the business.

In a deal that could be worth billions, Campbell Soup Co. has announced that it would sell its international and fresh foods business, which includes Arnott’s, as reported in the Daily Mail.

This decision was made after a three-month review, which indicated a decline in soup and juice sales.

The two businesses to be sold currently bring in about $US2.1 billion ($2.9 billion) in annual sales, which amounts to about a quarter of Campbell’s overall revenue, according to Australian Financial Review.


Best Loved Snacks

The company manufactures some of our best loved snacks, including TeeVee Snacks, Hundred’s and Thousands, Tiny Teddy’s, Iced Vovo’s and Jatz. It also sells over one million packets of TimTams each week.

Arnott’s has been a significant local employer and have given jobs to more than 50,000 Australians since it opened over 150 years ago.

So Who Could Buy Arnott’s?

It is expected that Arnott’s would appeal to both private equity firms and corporate buyers.

Warren Buffett, who is a major shareholder in Kraft Heinz, has denied claims that he could be the prospective buyer. He said in an interview it is “very hard to offer a significant premium for a packaged goods company.”

These massive food conglomerates are struggling to appeal to modern-day shoppers, who are looking for more natural, healthy foods and tend to spend more time in the fresh food aisles.

So there’s a big giant question mark over who will be the new owner of Arnott’s. We suspect that the buyer would absolutely continue producing our favourite biscuits. But you never know?

Tell us your thoughts in the comments below

  • Glad to see that this was a big drama over nothing and Tim Tams are still around


  • I doubt you’d buy a company only to kill off popular products.


  • Some of these go back to when my Grandma was young – especially the iced Vovos. I remember her talking about them a lot.
    I wonder which factory these are manufactured in Australia. TeeVee Snacks are definitely made in Australia. I know Arnotts have factories in NSW and SA in suburban Adelaide.


  • I don’t think they would get rid of Tim Tams as they are so popular


  • oh no they are my favourite


  • Imagine the furore if Tim Tams disappeared from our shelves. It wouldn’t be in any business’ best interest to do so, surely. The outrage and backlash!


  • I hope they don’t get rid of them, they’re so iconic. It’d be a real shame.


  • If someone else buys the company then I believe they will still make TimTams but they’ll alter the recipe like all companies do.


  • Warren Buffett is smart, he realizes people are starting to steer away from packaged food, waking up that packaged food is dead food, makes you fat, gives you health problems and premature death. Maybe they workers could start their own business making healthier foods.


  • Nooo I hope that they will still make Tim tams I don’t eat many of them but my kids love them


  • I think life will go on… it’s just a change of owner at the top! There are many I know who love the TimTam but I doubt the powers that be will step in and stop this one. Unless, that is, they are some health conscious new thinking genius that decides to reduce the availability of products that will ultimately make us very sick with chronic disease. But I suspect they would rather make money that look after our well-being.


  • Think this cookie is loved by many Australians. Personally I don’t mind if this cookie stays in production or leaves, as we don’t buy it and can perfectly survive without it, but there are people who do mind.


  • Nooooo I love tim tams


  • The idea f no Tim Tams is jst wrong.


  • Tim Tams are far too popular to disappear but we will see!


  • I hope whoever buys it keeps the traditional items going


  • They can get rid of all of the various crazy flavours they’ve been releasing of late but I sure hope they keep the original (and the best) ones. Oh, and the double coated ones of course 😉

    • I agree – double coated are simply heavenly! 🙂


  • Oh no this very disappointing


  • There is no way they are going anywhere – it is an Aussie staple and tradition….. !


  • I have a feeling Tim Tams will stay regardless – they are hugely popular and have a high profile.


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