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Movie fans in Queensland can now take in their favourite films from the front row while snuggled up in a double bed.

The Gladstone Cinemas recently revealed it recently added four double beds to one of its cinemas to create the ultimate viewing experience.

‘Big screen beds’ officially launches this week, however, general manager Melissa Struik said it’s something the cinema has been working on for a while.

We trialled it over this past week to paying customers and it has been so well received,’ Ms Spruik told 7News.

Because the experience is designed to be extra special, those wishing to indulge have their own candy bar counter and snacks are delivered to them in the cinema.

As well as being comfortable, the beds come with freshly-washed sheets, pillows, duvets and blankets. And all bedding is changed after each session. (Oh god I HOPE so!)

‘Peoples main concerns are hygiene surprisingly, and of course, we wouldn’t do anything that’s unhygienic,’ said Ms Struik.

Ms Struik added staff are keeping a watch on things, generally those in the beds are ‘well behaved’ and are respectful of others around them.

All details here.

What do you think of this concept? Keen or no thanks!

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  • Sorry, waste of time me going to the movies now. Put me in a bed in front of the T.V. all pumped ready to watch the show I’ve been waiting all week for. I don’t last till the first ad. break. ????????


  • Oh no thanks I would so conspicuous I couldn’t enjoy the movie. Plus I bet the sheets are not changed between movies, think of the popcorn crumbs


  • You might as well snuggle up in your own bed with a movie, snacks and drinks. At least you won’t have to leave your bed anymore for the night after watching the movie 😉

    • Exactly! I just don’t understand the need for a bed in a public cinema!


  • I like the idea, provided they are cleaned, mattress included!


  • Is there a limit on how many on the bed? I need to fit 6 (laughs)


  • They’d be very close to the screen, I suspect not good for their eyes. Do they get Gold Class Service with it?


  • Oh man I would fall asleep ????


  • I don’t care if they steam the beds after each use. Things are going to happen on those beds. Children will be conceived. Virginities will be lost. I can see pregnant ladies using them because its more comfortable and giving birth on them unexpectedly.


  • I love it but, at the same time, not sure if I could do it. As a family with 2 toddlers this would be awesome for us to see a movie together but I would want assurances that they are all fresh sheets and I would be horrified if people were being sexual while we were in there. I just don’t know. It is awesome and sounds comfy but creeps will ruin it for everyone else.


  • Hmm… I like the idea, but also feel like it’s a bad idea. Unless the beds are constantly being watched, I feel like it’s just encouraging some voyeuristic people. I like the idea to be able to go relax, and possibly have my 2 under 5 kids with me. But yes hygiene, huge concern.


  • I don’t know about this idea I guess if people are happy to do it then sure.


  • Arrrhh that would be a pass from me! No thanks but I’m sure there are many who would use them.


  • That is awesome but you need one cinema full of them rather than seating behind it.


  • lol! I wouldn’t use em but hey, lots probably would. Not everyone is a germ freak.


  • I can see both sides of the story – but personally I think it’s a bit of fun and different. It’d make me go to the movies more depending on the price of course.


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