
Caroline Langguth is just weeks away from giving birth to her 14th baby, and incredibly she’s had the same midwife by her side for each arrival.

The Queensland mum holds the record for giving birth to the most babies at Mater Mothers’ Hospital in South Brisbane, with the 43-year-old and her husband Alex preparing for another bundle of joy in August.

And right by her side will be midwife Annette Parry, who has guided Caroline through all of her births and some heartbreaking losses over the past 22 years.

“I have a lot of ladies that come back on a regular basis, but I haven’t cared for a big family like Caroline’s before,” Annette said. “I feel like I am attached to them, I can remember all the kids’ names.”

Queensland mum 14 kids

She’s also helped Caroline, who has Type 1 diabetes, through her pregnancies.

“Annette has always been there to guide me about my blood sugar levels and make sure I am eating correctly and that these things are foremost in my mind,” Caroline said.

The much-loved midwife has also supported the family through a miscarriage in 2019, and the loss of their son Sam at five-months-old, in 2003.

“We eventually fell pregnant after having the miscarriage and Annette was there for us emotionally,” Caroline said.

“And we never expected we would go through something like losing Sam, but Annette was there to support us when we fell pregnant again. She is close to all my children because she’s known them from the time they were born.”

Queensland mum 14 kids

Caroline and Alex are hoping to welcome their 14th baby on their 23rd wedding anniversary.

“Life with 13 kids is busy, but I enjoy seeing the children bond and take care of each other when things get a little bit hectic,” Caroline said.

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  • Ummmmm wow!! That’s mind blowing news. How on earth can any family afford so many kids? There’s always a babysitter on hand though.


  • That’s an insane amount of kids! They seem a happy, healthy family though. Such a special relationship with the midwife too.


  • Wow!


  • She must be a remarkable strong woman, respect !


  • All I can say is wow. Good on her.


  • That is soo crazy!! Kudos to her if she can manage it all.


  • Lovely family, though I wouldn’t want to give birth that many times!


  • This is just beautiful. Congratulations on the growwwwwiiiinnnnnnggggggg family.


  • Omg that is a lot of kids. 14 would keep them on their toes everyday. I assume they would have to be super organised. My cousin has 8 but 14 is a lot.


  • Must be something in the water up there


  • Wow, wow, wow… . I have four beautiful kids people tell me that’s a lot, to have an extra ten; I can’t even imagine!!!


  • Absolutely amazing! I can’t imagine the daily chaos. Congratulations.

    • It’ll take a lot of organisation for sure !


  • Wow amazing, many congrats to this family !

    • And the bond with the midwife sounds special indeed !


  • How amazing!


  • Wow! Just like cheaper by the dozen but more. I wish I had started having kids earlier in life so I could have had more. I’m very jealous but also happy for them – congrats!!! Exciting and wonderful news.


  • I wouldn’t want to do this, but it’s kind of a beautiful story.


  • They must be such a loving family. I have a great friendship with my siblings, they must have a wonderful time together.


  • Sounds like a wonderful relationship which is so important when giving birth.

    • I had good midwives which was reassuring.

      • Having a good midwife to help you is super important.


  • Wow! And she still looks amazingly young considering the stress of having all those children. I looked quite a lot older at 43 with only 4 children. Congratulations to baby No 14 and hope that there will be many years of love in such a great family.

    • She does look great for her age indeed !


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