Jay from the MoM Team recently asked the following question on the MoM Facebook page:
What is your best time saving tip? I pack and put my 2.5 year olds daycare bag in the car the night before so I don’t have to rush around in the morning (well more than usual anyway!)
Here are some of the fantastic and useful responses – 21 time saving tips for mums
- I fold my washing as I get it off the line! Saves double handling and the ironing is much quicker because things don’t get as wrinkled by just being thrown in the basket. (From MoMmie: Jannette)
- I make a loaf’s worth of sandwiches and freeze them so all I have to do is pull one out of the freezer in the morning before school. (From MoMmie: Belinda)
- While I’m getting the kids bath and pjs all ready, I sort the washing into dark and lights and grab out their clothes for the next day. I also pack my son’s Kindy bag the night before when Im fixing dinner. The tip is if you’re in a room where multiple things happen throughout the day, pair them up where you can. (From MoMmie: Rosekrans)
- Frozen sandwiches and muffins etc. clothes out the night before. 30 min wash loads out on the line before bed. Menu plan for the week. Non iron clothes whenever possible! (From MoMmie: Marcia)
- Clothes, shoes and underwear all laid out for kids ready to quickly change and baby bag/ daycare bags all packed night before. Car packed to if necessary. (From MoMmie: Amanda)
- I pack his swimming bag ready to go during the week so that on Friday all I have to do is pack his regular bag I really should invest in a second bag so I don’t have to panic about his towel an stuff being dry for the next lesson on Saturday. (From MoMmie: Jess)
- Send them to a daycare that feeds them. (From MoMmie: Cathy)
- I pack my sons day care bag the night before and leave at front of the door and also try and have his clothes ready the night before. And even a sip cup of milk in the fridge at night so in the morning there is something he can have straight away. (From MoMmie: Sonia)
- I get his daycare bag, drinks and all our clothes ready the night before.. (From MoMmie: Bernadette)
- Put extra bags in the bottom of the waste basket for a quick change when its full. i don’t have to go diggin for another small bag. (From MoMmie: LeAnn)
- I always pack my daughters p.e bag ready for tues, wed and fri so she just needs to grab it. her swimming bag is packed all week for swimming sat and sun. (From MoMmie: Kerry-Ann)
- Uniform hung out including veat, knickers and tights ready the nihht before. homework and story read after school so book bag can be hung by the front door read with coat and shoes. so much easier. usually nearly always late for school tho (From MoMmie: Kerry-Ann)
- A timetable of what is on for school (h/w, library, day uniform, sport uniform, swim lesson etc), above the 3 older ones where there bag hangs. Each child (5 kids) are colour coded for towels, lunch bags, ice bricks, drink bottles, bowls, cups, plates, so I know who hasn’t put their item away. (From MoMmie: Fiona)
- When I wash I do kids and adults I sort as I hang it out and fold it as I take it off so it can go straight away (From MoMmie: Rachel)
- I pack school lunches the night before school.(From MoMmie: Melanie)
- I have 5 kids ranging from 10 down to 6 months old and I have found the best thing I can do for my 3 older ones is get them to chooses a chore per day I use to just say 5 chores a week and you earn $2 on Friday but they where fighting about which chores they wanted to do (I had them on a list) now I get them to chooses 5 chores that are theses to do that week then they have a goal and stick to it (they are also expected to make bed, dress, unstack and stack dishwasher they are not chores they are a must do every morning) if they have there minds set to get things done then I can sort out the other 2 giving my 3 year old odd jobs I can supervise. (From MoMmie: Joanne)
- A list of what needs to be in various bags, so if I’m having a ‘moment’ it’s easy to make sure everything is in.(From MoMmie: Sharon)
- I get everything ready that nite that way its only breakky n get dress in the morning found it so much easier. (From MoMmie: Rebekah)
- With one at school now and only two dresses for school, I do a mid-week wash and a weekend wash of clothes, have two baskets, one to put clean clothes in and one for the wet washed clothes! (From MoMmie: Eleanor)
- Snack food, drink bottles and uniforms done the night before so I only have to do fresh sandwiches and fruit in the morning, my daughters hair is plaited at night so its easy to do in the morning! It makes it easy to stick to a routine right from the start! (From MoMmie: Tarryn)
I have a school corner that all shoes, bags, clothes, lunch packs, water bottles etc get put back into every afternoon so the kids can go straight there and get ready! (From MoMmie: Jessica)
Do you have some more great time saving tips? Tell us in the comments below.
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