
Black Lives Matter! The topic of racism is a delicate one to tackle at any moment in time. It’s hard to know what is and isn’t appropriate to say and walking the line between supporting someone or offending them is like balancing on a tightrope, blindfolded with absolutely no safety net to catch you if you slip up – anything could happen!

This could be why the majority of us choose to remain silent. We try not to get involved with a subject that we may not fully understand in hopes that it works itself out… or worse, that it just goes away on its own.

Racism Doesn’t Just Go Away!

Racism doesn’t die merely because we make it a taboo subject. Or because it’s too challenging to speak about or even discuss with the ones closest to us.

It doesn’t get better just by hoping for the best, no matter how good our intentions are. Unless we address it, are able to feel empathy for one another and can understand precisely what the problem is- it’s simply another avoided subject which gets swept under the carpet, allowed to fester until the next incredibly awful scenario forces us to look at it once more.

I’ve Been Bullied For The Colour Of My Skin

I’ve always been aware of the colour of my skin, well, perhaps not always- but after years of bullying during primary school I had no choice but to recognise that I was different. I looked different to everyone else.

In fact I used to draw myself as a blue eyed blonde child because I hoped that it would encourage my bully to recognise that I was at least attempting to meet her standards. I was trying to make a change. Admitting defeat- that the actual colour of my skin really was unacceptable.

No Excuse!

In primary school my bully used to force me to try and wash the colour off my skin. She wouldn’t allow me to play with anyone, especially not her. And worst of all my own mother used to make excuses for her intolerable behaviour.

My mother would try to explain to me that my bully had a disabled younger brother, and she was merely taking her frustrations with the world out on me.

Excuses didn’t sit well with me as a child and they most certainly don’t sit well with me as an adult. In fact I’ve been blessed with two severely disabled children and I do not believe it entitles my other children to get away with nastiness towards anyone, in any way, shape or form.

What’s Going On Here?

This blue eyed blond standard is one which I found myself confronted with even at my place of work. I noticed that the brand only promotes the image of a Caucasian nuclear family for all of their advertising needs.

After many years of watching only Caucasian mother’s being used for promotions and given special positions within the brand I started to become extremely confused of the fact.

I questioned whether the company was only targeting Caucasian mother’s or if that’s just who made up a majority of their market- but either way it just always felt so unfair and I couldn’t necessarily call the ‘racism card’ because I didn’t really know what went into their selection process or whether the company even realised how biased they looked not to represent a brand which supports diversity.

Would They Hire A Person Of Colour?

Not long ago a position became available which was advertised in their private Facebook business group. Everyone had to apply on that Facebook post, which whilst seemingly incredibly unprofessional, I also felt it might be a brilliant opportunity to bring to their attention the lack of inclusion of people of colour in public roles of the company. All the bigwigs would be made aware of the oversight and even if I didn’t get the role (which I knew I wouldn’t), at least they would have the opportunity to realise how the brand appeared, and maybe even hire a person of colour externally for the role.

“I would love to be the first person of colour to hold this role within the company. I feel it would encourage and motivate a whole host of mother’s who have never seen a person of colour in this position in the entire history of this brand and it may even be relatable to them on a completely different level” is what I wrote along with a list of all my qualifications.

One of the bigwigs did see it, but it didn’t receive the realisation that I was hoping for. Instead she listed a few people of different nationalities that the company had hired who also worked behind the scenes.


The world watched in horror as George Floyd was killed in Minnesota at the hands of someone who was supposed to be holding a role of saving lives- not taking them.

We watched, we cried and we felt empathy for this man, his family as well as his entire race.

“Black Lives Matter” not only started trending, but forcing the entire world to consider our personal perspective on racism. How we as individuals are going to move forward in a way that will encourage the acknowledgment, and equality of all.

We Can’t Hide Anymore

It’s not a topic that we can avoid at this moment in time. We can’t hide it from our children and we are confronted by it absolutely everywhere we look.

And again, without adequate training we are supposed to venture out onto this tightrope and pray that we get this right, for our children’s sake.

What About All Lives Matter?

The statement “Black Lives Matter” is met with “All Lives Matter”, and this is where I begin to wobble on my tightrope. You see, according to a majority of people right now, the statement “All Lives Matter”, takes away from the racism factor. I can see the hurt, and I can empathise with how much love the coloured community is in desperate need of as undeniable evidence of racism is streamed for the world to see. But as a mother of young children, who doesn’t want to encourage the differentiation of people, I am choosing to teach my little ones that Equality Matters.

I Hope To Help Make The Change

In the same way that I haven’t walked away from my company in disgust, even though there is a magnitude of weight loss brands I could choose to promote. I chose not to hate them for the way they use people of colour only when it suits their needs. And not set fire to them publicly by bringing to customers attention how incredibly racist the brand appears. Instead, I hope to be the driving force of making a change in this business. I will continue to love my work, trusting that eventually they will catch up with multiculturalism.

I don’t want it to be forgotten that just weeks ago, people of Chinese heritage, living in Australia and all over the world, were targeted in violent and criminal acts due to the COVID19 pandemic. They were targeted based on their racial appearance, fueled by fear and hate by others. Similarly to the way a majority of races are subjected to the most awful treatment from their fellow man because of the colour of their skin.

Love Is The ONLY Way!

We as human beings need to wake up to the fact that love is the only way we are going to make it through any given situation in life.

Without love how can we possibly accept the ordeals we are faced with in life- and succeed. How can we move forward without seeking revenge if we don’t feel passion for preserving all life? If we don’t have respect for others and we allow life to fall into lawlessness what kind of future are we creating for our children.

This is not to say that we should not seek or long for true justice to be served, but only to note that repaying violence with violence or hate with hate has historically never solved anything.

And What Happened To My Bully….

My bully ended up marrying a man from the same background as myself. In primary school she feared touching my hand, she was worried that her beautiful snow white skin would be in some way tarnished by my chocolate brown. Now one day she may be blessed with a child of her own whose skin colour differs greatly to her own and may even resemble mine.

Her racism ended with her. She developed empathy and love for something which she once despised and now the future will be better for her own children.

Equality Matters. You Matter. And above all, love at a time of deep hatred will bring peace as well as justice, because nothing productive ever came from hate. Hate is what caused all of this devastation to begin with.

What has the Black Lives Matter movement stirred up in you? Tell us in the comments below.

  • Yes all lives matter no matter what treat everyone the same
    I know I probably would get kicked to the Kerr for saying this if everything one wants to be treat equally what would happen if we took all the benefits away from them
    I know someone who speaks for the indigenous community it gets on my nerves when she wants you to donate to a family who lost someone in jail but the problem I have when that person who is in jail raped , armed robbery, did break and enter and had a band rep in jail that annoys me yes it totally not good that he does in jail but don’t expect people to donate money for someone who did wrong


  • All lives matter is an important motto.


  • That race shouldn’t come into and all people are important and should be respected


  • This absolutely broke my heart. How in the world can people do this to each other. It’s pure evil. And then this case which was recently in the news as well of the 4yr old girl with Down Syndrome here in Brisbane who was starved to death by her father. Having 2 girls in care who were victim of abuse and neglect (under which a girl with Down Syndrome) this comes so close to home.


  • The violence needs to stop, it wont fix racism. Peoples way of life and morals fix racism because we are all equal and noone should be treated any different.


  • I feel like I need to ask…..how old I’d the writer of this article? I was in primary school in the 70s and I don’t recall any racism. There was bullying, sure….kids with glasses, poor kids, kids who weren’t the smartest, weren’t good at sports etc. But no racism as this writer experienced. So I’m just wondering if maybe it was a much earlier school experience, 40s or 50s may be.


  • All lives matter. Violence of all race needs to be stopped. We are all equal. We all breathe the same air


  • All lives matter and it breaks my heart to hear these stories of racial, domestic and child abuse …


  • All lives matter. Violence and destroying property won’t fix this problem.


  • His death matters and racism is unacceptable but what there doing isnt going to fix anything. Riots then lighting a coppa on fire??? President needs to pull his finger out and deal with the issues then get the people involved prosecuted to the fullest extent so everyone can make peace.


  • I think people nowadays are too easily ready to jump on a bandwagon, any reason to be outraged. Yes, George Floyd’s death was awful, shouldn’t have happened, the police who did it are being dealt with. The looting and rioting……how is that showing that black lives matter, that all these ppl are really upset about George’s death?! It doesn’t! As I said, any reason to protest and be offended….if only they were all genuine. See pic below for stats regarding black deaths etc to get some perspective


  • American police are so quick to judge and draw their firearm, completely different to here. I feel for George Floyd s family, it should never have happened. The riots though are completely unnecessary, I’m sure George would not have wanted it that way, only peacefully protests.


  • It is so important that we educate our kids that everybody is equal and to be kind and treat each other with respect.


  • So incredibly important that we all educate ourselves right now. Lots of resources available at the moment, which is amazing.


  • Amen to this ! Black lives matter and all lives matter. I’ve been heartbroken by some incidents lately in the news. What happened is evil and so so unfair !

    • The footage is truly sickening and incomprehensible.


  • tolerance and awareness is so important


  • Racism is sickening in every possible way. Bullying is sickening in every possible way. Individuals and communities need to step up and call it out when it is seen. I have never tolerated it and never will.


  • I hope no one diminishes the issue at hand concerning the protests with ‘Black Lives Matter’ by adding ‘All Lives Matter’ — of course they do but this is about the African American community stating their lives matter as much as others, they’re not saying everyone else’s lives are less. As to what the movement has stirred in me — I’m totally disgusted at the videos of police and their blatant thuggery even though they’re aware the eyes of the world are watching them and every man and his dog has a mobile phone. The latest video of a 75 year old caucasian man who wasn’t protesting being pushed over by two police officers where he smashed backwards into the pavement with blood coming from his ear and unconscious while police just walked by, then when one officer who pushed him did finally attempt to bend down to look at him a third officer pushed him away. Absolutely vile. Then a spokesperson for the police issued a statement saying the elderly gentleman tripped and fell which clearly was false. Officers have now been suspended. I’m sick of seeing the senseless brutality, imagine how African Americans feel being on the receiving end of this sort of behaviour and worse since forever. Little wonder they’re fed up and frustrated.


  • My husband was bullied growing up here in Australia, he was worried that our children would be too, not just because they have his brown complexion but also because they are mixed race. The number of people who say they are beautiful, is staggering. My husband has stopped worrying about it, also the multicultural community at school is so diverse. But I know my kids are lucky, and that some day they will have to face racism in some form. I just hope they are strong enough to not only withstand it, but to also stand against it!


  • This was just spot on. No one rallied or protested when asians were being targeted and then this happened. I agree, equality matters! Sorry to hear about your childhood bullies. It hurts and people dont realise how long it can stay with us, even as grown ups.


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