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Having a new baby is an amazing experience. It comes with the wonder of how someone can be so tiny (and so loud at the same time!) and the fact they are dependent on us to take care of their every need for a while. There are so many ways we can care for and nurture our new tiny human, and so much we can do as women to support them to grow up healthy and strong.

Feeding our babies is one way of nurturing and caring for our baby, but there are currently a number of myths floating around and interfering with this process – myths that can leave many women with feelings of inadequacy, self-doubt, failure, unplanned pregnancies, physical harm, and much more. Not what is needed at this precious time of immense change!

Six breastfeeding myths exposed

It is hoped that by exposing the following six breastfeeding myths in this 3-part series, along with the fact that we all have a choice in how we feed our children, that as women we will understand more about ourselves and our bodies, as well as the importance of taking responsibility for ourselves over and above what we hear or are told.

Because this is every woman’s divine right – to know ourselves from the inside out, to know ourselves as the naturally intelligent beings we are, and to connect to the wisdom we all hold within our hearts that is there to guide us through our lives and experiences as women who have children.

This is why it is important to debunk the lies and myths that can trap us in harmful cycles, ideals and beliefs, that can affect us both physically and psychologically for years to come.

So let’s begin…

Myth 1 – Breastfeeding is the ‘best’ way to feed and nourish baby

We have all heard the slogan “Breast is Best”, which comes with an immense amount of pressure to do what is ‘best’ for our children. But who decides what is ‘best’? A man, a woman, someone we know, someone we don’t know, a doctor, a scientist, a nutritionist? Who?

We are the experts on our own lives. We know ourselves the best (as we are with ourselves 24 hours a day), we know our children the best (as we look into their eyes and into their hearts everyday from the moment they are born), and we know what is best for our families as a whole. We need to claim this knowing back for ourselves, and by deconstructing this particular myth around what is the ‘best’ way to feed our babies we are presented with an opportunity to do this.

The truth is that breastfeeding is not always what is ‘best’ for some women and babies, it is not a one size fits all solution, and we need to be careful not to allow the pressure of what is apparently ‘best’ impact on our health or the health of our baby. Is breastfeeding with incredibly painful or bleeding nipples what is ‘best’?”

Breastfeeding is only ONE way in which we can feed our babies, but is not the ONLY way.

Please note: Whilst this article is not here to debate the fact that breast milk is specifically designed to feed our young, it does present the opportunity to discuss some of the myths that are floating around about breastfeeding, which can cause a significant amount of harm to women both physically and psychologically.

It is also important to acknowledge that by purely advocating breastfeeding as the ‘best’ way this ultimately gives the use of formula a ‘bad’ reputation, which is in fact not true. Formula is an extremely viable option to feed and nourish our babies with, and as women, we have the choice of what feeding option is most supportive and the best for us and our babies.

Myth 2 – Breastfeeding is the strongest way to bond with baby

Bonding and breastfeeding are often grouped together with the impression that one is dependent on the other, but the truth is that connecting and bonding with our baby comes from our heart, not our breasts.

Feeding our child, whether that is from our breast or a bottle, is an extremely delicate time that offers us a chance to stop… feel… and connect with the gorgeous warmth that naturally emanates from our baby’s heart – to look into their eyes, to touch their gorgeous hands and feet, to feel them grasp our finger, and to feed them life sustaining goodness. This is a most delightful time, and one ALL women can experience no matter what feeding option has been chosen.

What does support us to connect more deeply with our babies is the level of care we honour ourselves with. This level of care is about expanding our love for ourselves, therefore expanding our hearts in the process. We then have a greater capacity to love another, namely our baby.

This is where bonding and connecting with our baby comes from, not simply our breasts. When we have established a love for ourselves, our babies naturally feel this through whatever feeding option we may have chosen. Exercise your heart today by loving you in some way, shape, or form – because we use our hearts to connect with others, not a body part.

Two down, four more to go

So that’s two myths exposed, explored, and discussed. We have more to come. Join us for Breastfeeding Myths Busted – Part 2 as another two myths are deconstructed and the falseness and harm they can cause is revealed. With a further two myths busted in Breastfeeding Myths Busted – Part 3.

Before you move on, it would be great to hear from you about your thoughts and feelings on what has been discussed in this article and whether the myths that have been busted have had an impact on you or your breastfeeding experience. Please share in the comments below.

  • I was lucky enough to able to breast feed all 3 of my kids. It suited me perfectly. Perhaps a part of it was that im too darn lazy to worry about making up bottles and cleaning them, etc. I liked how easy it was to have milk on tap so to speak. For me it was perfect. For others not so and thats ok. We are all different and thank goodness for that.


  • This article is excellent and very informative.


  • yeah we do what is best in our situations. i do support breastfeeding when possible


  • I breastfed for a few months due to medical reasons. You just need to do what is right for you and your family, stuff what anyone else thinks.


  • I agree that breast is not always best in each and every situation.
    My daughter was 10 weeks early and had a weight of 880 grams, she was not able to drink and was fed by tube. I wanted to breastfeed her but at the time of her birth I was on medication and my Gp didn’t want me to stop. She told me it’s not the end of the world not to breastfeed your daughter (although I felt very disappointed and emotional about it). We then chose for donor milk, so she still had some of the goodness of breastmilk.


  • It is true breast is not always best.My 2nd son I had trouble with BF him and the nursing staff had to help as I cracked on the 2nd day and had to express my milk. He would not take a teat so was fed with a syringe by the staff otherwise i would had been there all the time. by the time he was 6 months old I dried up and had to force him onto a bottle as was told he needed to suck. My 3rd son my milk came in to fast and he had to be fed up hill or he had milk coming out of his nose and mouth. I have bottled fed my younger two, twins due to my age could only feed one child. i got the same sense of loving with BF and bottle feeding them as I did with my BF other four children.


  • I was lucky that I could breast feed my children and I enjoyed doing so, but there are many reasons why some cannot and they shouldn’t be made to fee inadequate if they can’t.


  • The slogan breastfeeding is best doesn’t mean every women is able to do it. But breast is actually best if your comparing breast milk and formula. I think that’s just a fact. I know everyones circumstances are different but this article is not worded correct.


  • I don’t agree with the wording in this article, but I do agree with what the author is trying to promote.


  • In my idea being able to breastfeed your baby is fantastic. I bonded very much with my daughter. I was lucky enough to be able to start breastfeeding 20 minutes after she was born, and I could go on till she was one year and one week old.


  • I cried when I couldn’t continue breastfeeding, I felt like I’d let my baby down


  • I’m pro breastfeeding but agree with you that breastfeeding is not always what is ‘best’ for some women and babies,
    Personally I’ve experienced that I bonded quicker with my son who was breastfed then with my daughters who weren’t.
    I don’t agree with you that the myths that are floating around about breastfeeding can cause a significant amount of harm to women both physically and psychologically.
    Everyone is free to decide what way they will feed their baby and what works for them. It’s bizarre to feel pressure because of someone else opinion. And when you feel somebody’s opinion is bothering you, then stuff the world and shut this person where possible out of your life and focus on your baby, yourself and your family.


  • always a hot discussion, I’m pro, do it if you can, but now I cant get my toddler off the boob = negative lol


  • The idea that breastfeeding is the only way to bond properly with your baby has always seemed absurd to me. Fathers bond with babies without breastfeeding. I know fathers who bonded more than the mother ever did.


  • I am a strong advocate for breastfeeding. However I do believe that FED is best for Mumma and baby. As for bonding, well I believe that I bonded a lot quicker with my breastfed babies (No. 2 & 3) than my bottle fed baby (No.1), but that’s my personal journey.


  • Interesting article, can’t say I don’t agree with most sentiments


  • Its lovely to see an article like this, when bf is pressured onto mums, and it can be overwhelming, and difficult and upsetting.
    I am on my third pregnancy and have yet to successfully bf.
    I will try though, but I hop that I wont get as upset or anxious or depressed if I cant do it


  • These are both really important things to keep in mind.


  • Alot of mothers cannot breast feed but not for not wanting too.


  • I am an advocate for breastfeeding but I know there are many reasons why a woman chooses not to breastfeed or can’t.
    I wish there was more education during pregnancy about what is supposed to be normal experiences when breastfeeding. My daughter had a lip tie and tongue tie that severely affected her ability to feed either breast or bottle, since having them fixed an incredible difference (I nearly gave up breastfeeding because my ducts were always blocking from not being drained properly, Vasospasms and awful other experiences for us both).
    I would highly encourage mothers to give breastfeeding a real go for at least 1 month and if experiencing pain, discomfort, blocking, baby not putting on weight etc. to look into why these things are occurring (for example ties of the upper or lower lip and tongue tie or other physiological factors that can influence a negative experience in Breastfeeding). If the factors causing the issues can be minimised or fixed then the likelihood of more women continuing to breastfeed beyond a month is much higher. *please note my girl also gets supplemented with formula due to the initial issues we have had so far.
    My motto is fed is best and no one should judge someone else for their very personal choice.


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