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Breastfeeding pods spark debate about whether they are creating more problems then they are solving.

Built to give nursing mums privacy, a recent thread on Mumsnet, gave an insight into how women really feel about the invention.

“Saw this at Miami Airport. What do we think about locking breastfeeding women in cupboards? I think it is a bit weird and sad,” noted one Mumsnet user, who shared a photo of the pod online on Sunday.

Comments were very divided over the need for such an invention.

“I hate this! Why can’t we just sit in a cafe?,” wrote one.

“Try making breastfeeding more acceptable in public and see whether breastfeeding pods are necessary,” wrote another.

“While I appreciate that some would be glad of this space, and not minimising personal feelings on experiences of public feeding, but I can’t help think patriarchal society hasn’t half done a number on women,” she wrote.

bf pod 1

But many were actually in support.

“I had a baby with a tongue tie and latching problems. Had to get out my whole breast to feed in public and found it excruciating. I would have loved a pod like this for those early days,” wrote one mother.

“It’s by choice not force. Some people prefer to breastfeed in private, whether for religious reasons or personal preference,” said another.

“Well they aren’t locking breastfeeding women in a cupboard though are they?” another woman reasoned. “They are giving breastfeeding women the option to have a private space to breastfeed in if they choose to use it.”

“I would absolutely use it,” a woman posted. “My daughter is almost 2. She likes to unlatch so she can smile and wave at every single person walking past. When she was younger I was happy to feed wherever, whenever. But these days my nipples spend more time hanging out getting fresh air than in her mouth.”

Do you think they are necessary?

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  • I like this idea. Anything that promotes breastfeeding is a good thing. I like having the privacy & there really is nothing worst then venues not even having a parents room or change room to breastfeed in!


  • I’d love it. I’ve bf all 3 of mine and currently with my 4 month old. I like the privacy because my little one pulls on and off to smile and move and I like privacy. But to each their own.


  • You just can’t please some people. People seem to find a reason to complain about things no matter what. If they weren’t available people would complain, now that they are there are some that have to get on their high horse and accuse them of have an oppressive purpose.


  • They’re not necessary, but gee they’d be a help for some people or situations.


  • I never really felt 100% comfortable feeding in public, so I definitely would have used one of these to feed my son. He also got easily distracted while feeding trying to see what was going on around him, so this would have helped in this area too. If you don’t want to use it – don’t! but let those who want to without making a bog deal out of it!


  • It’s no different then locking yourself in the feeding rooms at shopping centres.
    I don’t have an issue with it. I would have used it more with my eldest 2 but wouldn’t really care when I was feeding my youngest (9 years difference between the youngest two)

    • I should also say that you don’t have to use them. No one’s forcing you to use them


  • Some woman don’t feel happy breastfeeding in public and for those this may be fine. But for others this would feel like a prison and be completely over the top. Personally I wouldn’t feel happy to lock myself and baby away. Breastfeeding is something natural and should be possible anywhere and (nearly) everywhere. The animals are a great example to us. Which animal hides away to feed her young ? The young finds mum and has a drink when it wants/need and till a certain age the mum accepts that.


  • Sometimes when feeding you just want a little peace and quiet and privacy so this would be useful, particularly in very busy places like airports and stations.


  • I think this is a great idea. I know breastfeeding Mums have the right to breastfeed in pubic, but some, myself included might like a bit of privacy. I breastfed my 1st until 21m and now have a 6month old. If I need to feed while out, I prefer privacy and the toilet is not a suitable option.


  • As one of the comments said, it’s a choice. I’d definitely have loved for these to be around when I had babies. If you are happy and comfortable feeding in public, more power to you. I honestly take my hat off to you. But as someone who isn’t comfortable in that situation one of these to hide it would have been fantastic!


  • I’d be great full for one of these pods at the airport. A nice quiet space for my easily distracted bub! I think it’s more about a comfortable space rather than locking away feeding mothers


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