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Wow, the power of social media! A passionate social media group has successfully campaigned for the return of fan favourite Cadbury Marble chocolate but not all fans are happy about the much-anticipated comeback.

It started out as a rumour when the leader of the Bring Back Cadbury Marble Facebook page shared two convincing photos of the return of the cult-status treat, after eight long years.

One photo was of a Cadbury-branded cardboard box that had a sticker on it marked: ‘Marble Trial 2020.’

The second pic showed the actual chocolate.

cadbury marble pics
Via: Bring Back Cadbury Marble / facebook


The photos were accompanied by the victorious announcement:

“20k FOLLOWERS … our army is POWERFUL! Don’t F**k with Bring Back Cadbury Marble FB page.”

“A few peeps have been demanding proof, to quell that lack of faith I deliver you these. Vive La Marble! We did it!”

The post was immediately swamped with excited comments. While few were more sceptical as Cadbury issued a public statement only four months ago, saying they had no plans to produce the much-loved block again.

The Rumours Are True! Cadbury Marble Is Coming Back!

However, it turns out that this scrumptious news is absolutely TRUE!!!

And yes, after eight long years of Marble drought, the milk and white chocolate swirl with a hazelnut praline centre will indeed to returning to our shelves once again.

Cadbury has sent an official letter to the Bring Back Cadbury Marble Facebook page confirming that their efforts have been successful.

“We have been absolutely blown away by the amount of support and love that you have for one of our classic flavours,” the letter said.

“Please be assured that every plea, petition and comment has been heard – and we have been working hard to bring back what you want.”

“We can officially confirm we’re bringing Cadbury Dairy Milk Marble back and it’s because of each and every one of you.”

cadbury marble official confirmation
Via: Bring Back Cadbury Marble / facebook


The group’s members were beyond excited with over a thousand posts sharing in the exciting news.

“Don’t think I have ever been so bloody excited for a block of chocolate in my life. BRINGS BACK ALL THE CHILDHOOD MEMORIES,” one comment read.

The first Marble chocolate bars have now been spied in supermarkets.

Fans Are NOT Happy

However the initial response from true Marble fans has been deflating. Most taste testers are saying that the chocolate just tastes different to what the original tasted like.

“OMG agreed, it defs didn’t used to be that nutty tasting. It’s Nutella covered in a tiny bit of white chocolate that you can’t taste,” one said.

Most fans say that the chocolate has an intense taste of hazelnut, a bit like Ferrero Rocher.

Has Cadbury Changed the Recipe?

But the question remains…has Cadbury changed the recipe?

The Marble team worked hard to “ensure we could match the appearance as closely as possible” for the re-launch, said Paul Chatfield, Cadbury Australia’s Marketing Director in news.com.au.

“Many of the chocolate making team members in our Hobart factory today were part of the teams that made the original Cadbury Marble,” he said.

“They’re passionate about Cadbury and love the taste of the Marble they’ve worked so hard to return to Australian shelves.”

Mr Chatfield said that the team went to great lengths to ensure the new product delivers the taste, texture and appearance as close as possible to the original blocks.

“We even referenced original blocks we’ve kept in special conditions,” he said.

Are you excited about the return of Cadbury Marble? Tell us in the comments below.

  • This is not a flavour I ever enjoyed


  • Cadbury chocolate like this in a block doesn’t appeal to me anymore- when it’s plain! Needs to have a textured middle!


  • Have found Cadbury’s chocolate is no where near as creamy as I remembered it and stopped buying it quite a while ago. Hope that those who were pushing for this return are not disappointed.


  • I’ve never tried it, it just doesn’t appeal to me. Surely if the same team worked on the original version and they had reference blocks, the taste should have been the same. Didn’t they have a ‘recipe’ to go by?


  • I wish Hazelnut Roll icecreams came back!!


  • I don’t remember them, but looking forward to trying them out


  • Super excited but un certain as well because often when something comes back after a long time then the recipe isn’t always the same.


  • not a big lover of this


  • Yum, I used to love marble. It looks a bit different but I am sure its still delicious


  • Look forward to having some when I can eventually find it on the shelf!


  • I’m not fussed either way. I don’t actually remember it and will always revert to the original – there’s nothing like it. But Wow, that’s committment and dedication when you can compare the taste from now to 8 years ago.


  • Same as back in the day. Not sure why people are complaining.
    However I do prefer the plain of dairy milk.


  • I have sent hubby to the store to buy some today so I can taste test! I was a huge fan of the original hehe


  • It goes beyond my understanding that fans are fuming.


  • I’ve never even heard of this before. Is this a newer thing? I’m a bit boring and prefer plain ol milk chocolate. (althought I don’t really eat it ever so….)


  • I can’t even remember this one so must not have been a favourite of mine but I think our tastes change over the years so maybe its just memories have faded?


  • I only buy Cadbury blocks when they are on special – didn’t go mad for the original one so not sure i will bother with this one too – will see if it is every on special!


  • If it was on special I might buy it too.


  • Nope, I’m not excited as I’ve never tried it before. I do prefer Cadbury chocolate, but I don’t eat it often.


  • I’ll try this one if I find it on special


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