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Potential foster carers are to be paid $75,000 tax-free to look after vulnerable and damaged children.

In a radical new plan, residents in Sydney’s West, will be incentivised to give up their jobs and care for the troubled youngsters on a full-time basis, as reported in the Daily Telegraph.

Family and Community Services (FACS) Minister Pru Goward is currently recruiting for carers who are willing to dedicate themselves to these troubled kids, who range from 7 – 17 years.

Big Increase In Pay

The regular allowance of a foster carer allowance is between $494 and $748 a fortnight so this is a significant increase in pay.

This program, named Treatment Foster Care Oregon, is the first of its kind in NSW and will place children from across Sydney with specialist carers in the western suburbs.

These children participating in the program would display difficulties “managing their feelings, thoughts and behaviours” — the result of severe abuse and neglect they have suffered in the past and would be unable to remain in the regular foster care syste..

Improve The Lives Of Vulnerable Children

Minister Goward said the state government was committed to investing in an evidence-based program that “improved the lives of our most vulnerable children and young people”.

“Unfortunately there are some children in out-of-home care with incredibly complicated behaviours — these children often need intensive support so they can thrive through childhood and adolescence,” said Ms Goward.

“The goal is to reunite children with their birth families or long-term carers.”

$4.87 million is being paid to OzChild to co-ordinate the program, which will be run as a trial in the state until mid-June 2020.

Carers who wish to apply for the program need to have experience dealing with children with complex behaviours.

Carers are limited to one child on the program at a time and a team of psychologists, social workers and family therapists will be on stand-by for support.

More details and to apply to be a foster carer, visit www.ozchild.org.au.

  • I would love to hear an update on this and see how the plan is working


  • If this stops the children going off the rails, then it’s worth what the government pays.


  • Is that $75 000 a year, per child? Wow! I hope the foster parents have additional training to prepare them with ways to deal and cope with troubled children


  • Finally some good news for these troubled children. Hopefully they all get the help that they truly deserve. I wouldn’t want to think people are doing it for the money though.


  • I would definitely be interested in this program if it came to Tasmania!


  • Good on this Government for confronting the issue and offering the right resources. A small step that may lead to bigger ones.


  • I have thought about it, but don’t think they would let me feed them wholefood plant based diet, which I believe helps anyone feed their brains with good nutrition. If the kids have been starved of good nutrition, it certainly does not help the situation or their mental health as well as their physical health.


  • I know of two couples who fostered children for several years. (the couples were not known to each other). Some children had been badly abused in more ways than one. Some had developed severe emotional trauma and were taken to intensive therapies at hospitals – initially at least once a week.
    One foster Mum often took the foster child to the Dr. within a couple of days of the child arriving after finding injuries or other signs of neglect which needed treatment. They said it was a very rewarding experience but hard getting the children to trust them if they had been abused. They learnt to let the children settle in for a few days before explaining then enforcing rules or the children simply withdrew into themselves. They had one 8 y.o. boy who used to deliberately tell lies to keep the Dept. on their toes. He openly told the Foster Dad that he was doing it. They boy hadn’t realised that he was getting the guy into trouble and that he may be moved to another place to live.
    The other family who fostered children initially woke up one morning and thought their cat or a stray one was meowing very loudly under their bedroom window. They went out and found a baby in a bassinet. Fortunately she was warmly dressed and wrapped up in blankets as it was Easter time and cold weather. The Police eventually tracked the Mother down. She explained the circumstances, that she knew of the people where she left her and knew she would be well cared for. The Mother got a job, later married the father, they took their baby girl and moved interstate. They fostered more children after that, including twins how are now grown up and still keep in touch.
    Sometimes Foster parents only have a child for a short length of time. It depends on the circumstances. Some stay with one family until they are 18 y.o. then move on.


  • Sounds like a good incentive but let’s hope that people go into it for the right reasons not just the money!


  • I hope the screening process and the checks and balances are in place to get the the right people driven by the right motives to care and protect and nurture children.

    • Yes, the screenings are quite intense, which is good as they really should opt for experienced schooled carers, or carers who’re willing to be schooled in this area.

      • Thank you – so pleased to read this from someone with experience. It is reassuring.


  • Interesting !
    I’ve 2 sisters in permanent care under Doc’s Victoria, while living in Sydney ourselves, a 4,5 yr old with Down syndrome and a 8yr old with RAD and severe behaviour problem. We have them under a guardianship order now, so no more case workers. The allowance for carers under Doc’s Victoria is lower and we never even got extra funding for our youngest with a disability. We pay so much for psychologists and psychiatrist for our 8yr old. I do a course at Redbank house now for Reparative Parenting, which thankfully is free of charge.


  • This sounds great, I do hope they find the right people an not just people in it for the money. These kids need strong role models.


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