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One of the most common skin conditions to affect children under the age of 5 is eczema. Childhood eczema is itchy, irritating issue can flare up in children who are just days old, or become an issue as kids start to get older. When eczema happens to a child it can cause a great deal of stress and frustration both for the child and their parents. In this article we’re going to look at how eczema shows up in children, what may be its cause, and most importantly what you can do to help provide relief, protection, and healing to your child if they are dealing with it.

How eczema starts

In most childhood eczema cases, babies experience dry, rash-like patches of itchy skin on the face and scalp. In many cases this ‘baby eczema’ heals itself as the child grows, but in some cases it sticks around. As the baby grows, the patches of eczema flare ups can move to areas like the elbows and knees as crawling happens, or legs, arms, and feet as they start to walk and become more mobile.

For most cases of childhood eczema there are times when flare ups get worse and when the whole issue seems to be a thing of the past. It’s not uncommon for parents to notice several months without a flare up only to see it creep back up again at the worst possible time. While many cases of childhood eczema go away as the child grows, some cases persist into adulthood. Learning how to identify and treat eczema issues early on can help prevent them from being a long-term issue.

What causes childhood eczema?

While there are lots of theories about what the true cause of eczema in children may be, nothing is certain just yet. The best research shows that kids who have eczema tend to be part of families where eczema has been an issue with their parents or grandparents. Eczema also seems to show up more in kids who have family members with severe allergies, food sensitivities, asthma, or inflammatory conditions. The underlying reason for this cause may be that eczema stems from the same part of the immune system where allergies, inflammation, and other sensitivities come from. In fact, many kids who have long term childhood eczema often develop asthma or other related allergies as they grow.

It’s important for parents and family members not to blame themselves when eczema shows up. No matter what the cause is, there are some effective and hassle-free things that can be done to help heal and protect itchy kids, so that they can live a happy and irritation-free life.

Treatment for eczema in babies and children

There are probably as many treatments for eczema in babies and children as there are kids who deal with it, but there are also some tried-and-true methods that many parents find helpful. Over time, you’ll find unique combinations of treatments that seem to work best for your child’s individual needs, and that’s where the real solutions begin. Here are just a few of the best known treatments that can help relieve itching and irritation while also helping the skin repair and heal itself.

Wet wrapping

This technique involves slathering specialized moisturizers on the skin and then wrapping the skin with layers of wet bandages covered by dry layers. This method helps offer super hydration to the skin that penetrates to deep levels. The more hydrated the skin is, the less likely small irritations will cause an eczema flare up

Diet journaling

Many parents find that certain foods, usually those with inflammatory qualities, cause eczema flare ups. Keeping a journal about what your child eats and when eczema flare ups happen can help you find the triggers and eliminate them without the hassle.

Dry brushing

Many parents swear by this simple method and find that it helps the skin clean, heal, strengthen, and detoxify which can prevent future flare ups. Dry brushing is done by making gentle brushes along the skin with a specialized fiber bristle brush.

Natural remedies

Coconut oil (when nut allergies aren’t present), herbal washes, homeopathic remedies, anti-inflammatory foods, and other natural remedies are gaining popularity in many homes where a child deals with eczema. These methods can be a great addition to the advice given by your child’s health specialist.

Eczema clothing for children

Most of the intense damage kids do to eczema flare ups happen at night or during times of rest. Even newly trimmed fingernails can cut skin leading to staph infections or other issues. The use of sleepers or mittens like those from Bamboo Bubby, help you target the specific scratching that kids with eczema are prone to so that further issues can be avoided.

If your family is dealing with eczema, now is the perfect time to start taking action. Learn the signs and symptoms of your child’s specific case, work with experts when possible, and start learning how to best handle flare ups.

  • My oldest boy had it when he was younger, we ended up using steroid cream sparingly. Hasn’t had an attack for years, and I’m hoping it stays that way.


  • My daughter suffered from eczema from 6 months old to 8 months old and then it just dissappeared


  • Although all my children have luckily not been affected by eczema, a lot of my family and friends live with this skin condition so thankyou for educating me as it makes me understand eczema and may even help me help someone else!


  • We were lucky enough to avoid this. Good luck to all the sufferers and hope this advice is useful


  • Both my daughters had it as babies. We just kept their bathing to every 2nd or 3rd day or even longer if it was bad, to avoid getting them wet all the time and we covered them in moisturiser every single day especially after baths etc. Both of them all cleared up perfectly by about 6 to 12months and they have never had it since:)


  • A very important read. Thanks


  • What a great article i will be passing this on to many of my friends.


  • That was like reading a story of my childhood. I suffered from eczema, well perhaps I should say my mum suffered from my eczema. By my teens I had grown out of it but still get the occasional flare up. I turned out to be Gluten intolerant in later life so I can now see that the two things are connected. I have great sympathy for those children who suffer from this condition. Its not nice.


  • Our kids never got it but had it when I was younger and so did my partner


  • My son had eczema from the age of 6 weeks and it was horrible. thanks for sharing..


  • I always worry about this as my partner got this real bad when he was little but fingers crossed my boy hasn’t! Always good to read up and get more information


  • Its always handy to have a list like this


  • Thanks for sharing this 🙂


  • I have a few suggestion that have worked.
    1. Change your shower filters taking out Chlorine. Chlorine can be a very bad chemical for anyone with
    eczema, allergies and asthma.
    2. Try filtered water that you drink as well.
    3. Pure Emu oil is great for eczema and healing skin problems.
    4. Pure Coconut oil is as good.
    These have all worked for my family.


  • Thanks for sharing this story, my youngest has this problem!


  • I had eczema when I was little and it went away and now have it back again after almost 30 years 🙁 . My 3 girls are lucky at the moment as they don’t have it


  • Ill pass this info onto my cousin, she has struggled with this


  • Thank you! Eczema can be a tough condition to treat. It runs in my family and we have.flare ups.


  • Thank you for sharing this


  • Eczema is such an erratic condition. Try telling a baby not to scratch too!!


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