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A debate on Facebook over the Coles FREE container promotion turns nasty.

The post on Facebook page, Budgeting, Food, Stockpiling, Savings Ideas, Life Help Australia, made it clear people were divided over the promotion to earn points to claim your FREE container.


Criticising the promotion, one member of the group wrote: ‘They’re not free you have to spend like 20 bucks to get one … I’d rather much have the cash at the end of it but whatever floats your boat.’

Said another: ‘It’s not free it cost $20 per point.’

However this comment prompted fans of the promotion to get all fired up, defending Coles. ‘It’s free because you’re shopping there anyway, you’re just accumulating credits as you shop. Grow up!!’

Another wrote: ‘What do you mean you would rather have the cash at the end of it? Do you not go grocery shopping? If you can eat for completely free please tell me your secret. I do my weekly shop at Coles and so I accumulate points for these containers as well as points that eventually add up to flybuys dollars. When I have enough points for a container I scan the container as well as my flybuys card and the price is changed to $0.00. I just don’t understand how you think you have to pay for the containers.’

‘OMG they are free, because you still get all the other groceries for the money you spend… that does not mean the container costs you money,’ wrote another.

Another one said: ‘All these negative nancies remind me why I don’t post in groups.’ Said another: ‘So much negativity for some bloody FREE Tupperware lol.’

To be honest I can actually see both sides of this argument.  If you don’t usually shop at Coles and are only going there in the hopes of spending money to claim a free container then you really are defeating the purpose.

Are you a Coles or Woolworths shopper? Do you swap supermarkets depending on the promotion?

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  • 99% of the time I shop at Coles. I am not buy extra items to get the points. I know a lady who has just redeemed her 20 points for 2 small containers to be used for snack boxes for their little one.


  • I only shop in Coles, so for me the containers are free. I don’t change my way of shopping. I just get them once I have enough points. I’ve already gotten two containers plus the pump.

    • I got a container and a pump with just normal shopping and nothing out of the ordinary.


  • Simple. If you don’t like something then don’t be a part of it. I’ll never understand why petty people have to continuously get into petty on line rages about nothing. Get a life!

    • I agree with you. Obviously if you are spending the money just for the containers then it isn’t worth it. If you are doing your regular grocery shop and earn points to redeem on the containers then that is a bonus. I can’t believe the fuss being made over this promotion. I actually think it is one of the most useful promotions a supermarket has had.


  • oh my first world fights


  • I’m a coles but haven’t been shopping as much due to lack of specials I’m interested in. I wouldn’t go out of my way to spend for the continers


  • They actually are free if your just doing your shopping as normal and then redeeming the points.


  • I noticed you can actually buy them, each one costing the same amount of points as dollars. They are technically free though. You have to buy groceries, no one is forced to spend more than normal, they just rack up the points over time.


  • It’s only free if you don’t change your behaviour to get it.


  • It is free if you already shop there and aren’t spending extra. You’re getting free tubs for your normal everyday shopping.


  • I usually do Woolies, as it’s down the road. Haven’t been to Coles since the promotion started 🙂


  • I love how upset people get by this. It makes me laugh. I hardly ever shop at Coles but if I happen to get enough credits I will be getting my free container. I wouldn’t spend extra though


  • I’ve plenty of container points but didn’t get a container yet. That’s how unimportant these promotions are to me, lol !


  • I usually shop at which ever has the better sales at, atm though I am shopping at Coles as I get more bonus points with flybys


  • I shop at the closest supermarket normally however there are a few things I can only get from each so I do go to both.


  • I think they’re brilliant. I would rather accumulate points to collect these containers then those little shop collectables. At least these are useful. And they are for free if you shop at Coles. I think one point per $20 is a bit cheap, I probably won’t get a full set, but I’m trying


  • I wish I could find a way to donate my 3 credits to someone who wants them.


  • I shop mostly at Coles mainly because of the flybuys. I also activate nearly all the items for bonus points. I wouldn’t buy things just to boost my points or get freebies like these containers. I’ve redeemed my points for coles cards which I use for groceries that I need. I’m not spending more money than I would normally spend on groceries.


  • I love Woolworths and only occasionally shop at Coles for certain items!


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