
280 Entries

7 lucky winners receive a kids toys, Pop! The Pig & Gooey Louie valued at $79.98!

If your kids are into gross out good fun, they’ll love these new toys from Crown & Andrews.

There’s Pop! The Pig ($39.99), the best-selling game that entertains kids and adults alike. You take turns to feed the pig, and watch in suspense as his stomach grows – but be careful, as you might make him burst! Pop! The Pig provides hours of family fun and is completely kid powered  no batteries needed.

There’s an even grosser family game with Gooey Louie ($39.99), where each player rolls a die and takes turns picking green gooey things from Louie’s nose.  Remember to choose carefully – if you pick the wrong one, Louie’s eyes will pop, the top of his head will flip open and his brain will fly out. Gooey Louie is made from easily washable materials for long lasting durability. Both of these fantastic games which are now available at all major toy retailers.

Winners for this competition

    • S. Byrne – WA
    • L. Mayhew – NSW
    • B. Kelly – SA
    • J. Campbell – NSW
    • R. Kapsalakis – VIC
    • J. Gardam – TAS
    • A. Moon – QLD
    • snakes and ladders s- could go on for hours and you used to have laughs – and try breaking the rules

    • Our family used to love the pop-game Trouble, it was such fun “popping” the dice when it was your turn and seeing where you would land

    • Skipping rope! I’d skip and race, or with friends, jump in! I loved being ROPED in to have skipping fun. Never wanted to skip that!

    • My favourite childhood game was strawberry shortcake board game I used to LOVE that game and would rather play that on a Friday night then go out haha

    • Uno would have been one game that we would all enjoy sitting around playing on a cold winters night with a few snacks and lollies, great family times. I hope once my kids grow up I can share this wonderful experience.

    • Monopoly! I’d spend hours playing with my nana. Loved the money, buying and selling but a huge reason it was my favourite was because it was time with my nan. Treasured memories I’d love for my own children. These games could be for them what monopoly was for me! Please!

    • Monopoly. I loved being the banker. It always took a long time to play but it was fun every time.

    • Monopoly! When my brother and I were young we used to play with our neighbours every weekend. It always ended in someone storming off because they ended up bankrupt! Haha Fantastic memories!!

    • Good old hide and seek. There was no high cupboard, under bed or behind piano that wasn’t used!

    • My favourite game growing up was mouse trap loved that game.

    • The chance to use my long legs to my advantage (and sometimes fart in my sisters face) – Yup, my favourite was TWISTER.

    • Pop up pirate has always been a classic,
      I even use it with my kids to stop the havoc!
      Endless fun and encourages sharing too
      So much better than watching TV like superglue!

    • A game that could be played anywhere,
      In a house, car or doctors room waiting chair!
      No need for fancy buzzers, counters or a board-
      But I SPY certainly saved me when I was bored!

    • Monopoly hours of fun with the family/friends, the game really starts when trading and sets are made.

    • I loved Yahtzee but I also loved Maths and counting, yes I’m weird 🙂

    • I’ve always loved scrabble, it kept our brains thinking when we were kids and increased our vocabulary. My husband, son & I still play it & can’t wait for our 2 year old to join in.

    • I have to go with a classic and say Monopoly with pick up sticks being a close second!

    • Snap was my favourte because i always won hop scotch all so my favourte i play at school with my friends

    • Hungry hungry hippos! Hours of fun and it was great to get everyone involved. Trying to get the most balls was so fun as everyone’s laughing and sometimes the results were unexpected.

    • Draughts we used to play it all the time and when I used to win my brother wouln’t talk to me for 2 days.

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