
444 Entries

We are offering all our wonderful members the chance to WIN 1 of 10 $50 mumgo.com.au vouchers!
10 lucky winners will each receive a $50 voucher to spend online at mumgo.com.au.

Mumgo helps busy Australian mums with advice, guidance and up to 70% off great mum, kids and baby brands.

For more information you can visit Mumgo online here : www.mumgo.com.au

For your chance to WIN 1 of 10 $50 mumgo.com.au vouchers,

like MoM on facebook here,

then tell us in 25 words or less your best back to school savings tip and why? (the 10 most creative responses will win)

Please note this competition is open from 7th February 2014 until 7th March 2014 and is only available to members of Mouths Of Mums. We are unable to accept entries posted via facebook. The winners of this competition will be published on this page. Winners’ name and address will be provided to the promoter of this competition and prizes will be sent to the address you have in Your Profile. Please ensure your details are up to date so that you receive your prize.

Winners for this competition

  1. M. McKannaNSW
  2. S. GeorgeNSW
  3. H. GillmanQLD
  4. R. KapsalakisVIC
  5. C. LowtherQLD
  6. M. StewartVIC
  7. L. ConroyQLD
  8. F. DowningQLD
  9. J. WuenscherQLD
  10. H. GleesonNSW
  • Get together all the catalogues, work out the best price at each store and make a list of what you are going to buy from where.

  • With 3 at school I’ve found buying a few things in bulk everyweek from the booklist helped plus recycling last years calculators etc saved $300!!

  • be prepared and start buying stationery, uniforms earlier a little each week and then you are not up for all the cost at one time.

  • Not buying packaged food rather than buying larger products and placing in containers! Good eco tip too!

  • Buy next years Stationary the year before when it goes on special. You can save 50% by being prepared.

  • Reuse last years stationary when there’s plenty of life left in them. Only buy what you actually need off the school list.

  • Use last years textas and even exercise books, it’s a wonder how much barely gets used

  • Bulk cook and portion, and bulk purchase stationery and divide – go by the school list but look for the cheaper options!

  • I love shopping inline and love this shop

  • Shop around on online sites for bulk buys ,also make sure you need everything on the list

  • buy in bulk and portion into sandwich bags, also get family to gift pens, pencils, contact etc as Christmas presents. Saves you the outlay

  • Buy containers for chopped fruit, sandwhiches and nibbles. Then you can A) buy in bulk and save and B) not have plastic bag expenses!!

  • Buy the Uniforms second hand if you can, There are a lot of well looked after ones. Also use student assistance if you have to.

  • Don’t always feel like you have to buy everything brand new. Look around the house to see what you have left over, first!

  • I always got the uniforms late in the previous year ready for school the next year.

  • buy in bulk when there are specials & bake or make in bulk saves heaps of time

  • Buy as much as you can for the following year when this years stuff goes on special when school goes back.

  • The Santa sacks at our house are always stuffed with back to school items purchased on sale during the year.

  • Make as much as you can homemade and freeze as prepackaged food is so expensive. Break down into snack sizes things like popcorn in the microwave, nutrigrain cereal for cheap snack ideas, cut block cheese into cubs yourself.

  • Bake muffins, banana bread and a slice at the same time. Freeze them and put in lunchbox. Doubles up as a icebrick until it thaws.

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