
1435 Entries

We are really excited to be offering you the chance to WIN 1 of 2 pairs of ankle wedge UGGYS valued at $279.95 per pair.

Each lucky winner will receive a pair of ankle wedge UGGYS and will be able to choose between the colours black and chestnut.

The UGGYS brand is about exquisite quality UGG Boots, clothing and accessories handmade of the finest materials for the discerning client whose priority is to look and feel good. Every UGGYS product is designed for ultimate comfort, warmth and perfect fit. At UGGYS we provide world class customer service before, during and after sale by training and empowering our team, facilitating and monitoring our client’s feedback and continually improving through innovation.

For more information you can visit UGGYS online here or join them on Facebook here.

Please note this competition is open from 16th May 2014 until 26th June 2014 and is only available to members of Mouths Of Mums. We are unable to accept entries posted via facebook. The winners of this competition will be published on this page. Winners’ name and address will be provided to the promoter of this competition and prizes will be sent to the address you have in Your Profile. Please ensure your details are up to date so that you receive your prize.

Winners for this competition

  1. F. GoodingQLD
  2. T. McPhersonNSW
  • Versatility and comfyness are the new black!

  • I love the black,
    goes with most,
    the heal is superb,
    I think I’d boast!

  • The brown colour
    I love the comfort of them

  • i love the black colour ankle wedge uggys and find the rounded look of them good, the side buckle too 🙂

  • Chestnut – I love how cosy they would make my feet feel!

  • Keeping my tiddlywinks warm inside and out and not having to change and still look super respectable at school drop off and pick up! Who wouldn’t want a pair! Chestnut please

  • Chestnut, The heal as it makes them look stylish and with trouser legs over the top you could wear them out.

  • Black, I really love the size heel on these perfect for winter outings.

  • brown because they would go with everything and I love that they look warm.

  • I would love a brown pair of the uggies boots and I believe the wedged heel is the best feature to go with comfort

  • Black, as it\’s my favourite colour for footwear as they can match any outfit. It\’s a very versatile colour, and timeless to wear.

  • How attractive are these Uggys?! That’s what I like best! Black is the colour for me.

  • Black, the best feature is the ugg heel, sexy, warm and comfy all in one!

  • Oh i adore them, no matter what color they are, They will be my favorite footwear star.

  • I like the Chestnut ones, they look fashionable but keep my feet warm at the same time.

  • I like the black ugg boot,
    On me they’ll look very cute.
    Keeping me warm in the Canberra cold,
    And their statement is quite bold!

  • The black is my favourite because it’s not what you’d expect “ugg” boots to be in, and I really like the fact that they have that small stylish heel.

  • I like the brown the best and the best feature is the heel . the heel makes the uggys look ” upgraded” and a more girly winter dress style .

  • What’s not to like about them… So cute and warm and comfy… and made on our shores too! I would love to be a proud owner! 🙂

  • Black, it’s my signature colour!

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