
242 Entries

We are pleased to give 15 lucky MoM’s the chance to win 1 of 15 double passes to see the film Before I Go To Sleep, In Cinemas October 16.

WIN 1 of 15 double passes to see the film Before I go to Sleep, valued at $39.00 each.

Before I Go To Sleep, stars Nicole Kidman, Colin Firth and Mark Strong. The film is a psychological suspense thriller based on the best-selling book where a woman (Nicole Kidman) struggles to piece together her past after a terrible accident. She is left with no memory of her life, including her husband Ben (Colin Firth) but before she goes to sleep, she recovers fragments from her past and flashbacks to the accident that damaged her. With the help of Dr Nash (Mark Strong), she discovers a terrifying new truth that forces her to question those closest to her.

Check out the trailer below:

Please note this competition is open from 24 September 2014 until 10th October 2014 and is only available to members of Mouths Of Mums. We are unable to accept entries posted via facebook. Facebook LIKE functionality is not a requirement of entry to this competition. The winners of this competition will be published on this page. Winners’ name and address will be provided to the promoter of this competition and prizes will be sent to the address you have in Your Profile. Please ensure your details are up to date so that you receive your prize.

Winners for this competition

  1. H. SchulzNSW
  2. M. KiddVIC
  3. R. MaddockVIC
  4. E. BivianoVIC
  5. L. LengrandVIC
  6. M. McKannaNSW
  7. C. SchloszNSW
  8. B. JamesVIC
  9. L. TonnaSA
  10. W. DunningSA
  11. K. WilliamsWA
  12. J. RutherfordQLD
  13. R. SmithVIC
  14. S. GrillsNSW
  15. J. KosztyoQLD
  • When I was pregnant I would have such vivid dreams of people trying to break into our house. Needless to say I became very safety conscious.

  • Being suffocated with pillows and needles, it was years ago but I still remember the feeling and feel tight in the throat when I think about still now.

  • the end of the world from a nuclear attack

  • I remember, when a child, a frighteningly vivid dream,
    Where, while rolling under a barbed wire fence, a bull was suddenly seen!
    Before this bull was about to step on my head,
    Luckily, I awoke instead,
    – possibly gave a scream,
    Then ran to tell my parents of my nightmare dread!

  • As a small child I dreamed of several ladies in buttercup yellow dresses, on a roundabout! I have no idea why but I learned I dream in colour!

  • around 5yrs old I had a recurring dream about a clown on roller skates chasing me though a shopping centre, I would hide and as it drew nearer all I could hear was the thrum of the skates as he looked for me. I would wake up drenched in sweat and terrified this would happenly weekly!

  • I remember being young and dreaming that there was a spider on the wall. I couldn’t walk so had to crawl away but looking back the spider was following me. Never forgotten!

  • You may not believe this but a little while before 9/11 I dreamt of planes flying into buildings…. It was incredibly vivid, I only told one person at the time of the dream. It still rattles me a bit to this day.

  • Shortly after my father passed away (20 years ago), I dreamed that he returned and I was levitating towards the ceiling, as if I was trying to follow him. I woke up feeling freaked after the dream.

  • This is really disturbing but crawling through a field of dead bodies in the middle of a war-like I was actually there-I was 5 weeks pregnant at the time & had the 2 most disturbing dreams of my life that night

  • A dream where I’m trying to run away fast but can only go in slow motion! I think it often happens after I play Mario Kart with the kids, can’t get Mario to drive fast or straight!

  • Falling off the edge of a cliff in my car – very frightening and cannot forget it!

  • I’m constantly having dreams where I meet rock stars, like Eddie Vedder lol.

  • Walking down our hall way to find maniquins legs poking out of the wall with my pajama bottoms on.quite freaky!!!

  • I dreamt that I had no arms. I woke up the next morning and it felt so real that I was really concerned about how I was going to manage babysitting a 2 year old all day without any arms.

  • Falling as I literally fall out of the bed, I live my dreams physically and when I hit the ground I wake up.

  • HUBBIES DREAM….I awoke to Hubby telling me to keep still……This I did… Thinking Someone is in our house…..Only for Hubby to say if you move the slabs will fall…..He was dreaming of using a forklift with slabs balancing on it….

  • I have the same dream every few months. I am in a car driving over a bridge when the bridge collapses and I end up stuck inside the car in the river. It’s so real that everytime I drive over a bridge I get nervous lol

  • I can’t write one solo dream for I have had them all : naked in public, hiding from a serial killer, leaving my children somewhere and can’t find them, moving house and getting lost in a new town, late for an airplane , getting shot.

  • I was standing with a friend when I heard a gun. I realised I had been shot in the head, but I was looking at myself. Then I woke up

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