
1177 Entries

We are very excited to be giving all of our lucky members the chance to WIN a Babylove Ezy Combo Harnessed Booster Seat.

2 lucky winners will receive a Babylove Ezy Combo Harnessed Booster Seats valued at $249 each. 

Every parent wants the very best for their child and seeks comfort in choosing proven, trusted brands. Babylove know that protecting your child and keeping them safe is your first priority.

The plush Ezy Combo harnessed booster is ideal for your growing child. The large contoured side wings provide superior side impact protection. The seat is generous allowing most children up to approximately 4 years of age to use the in-built harness. Once the middle height marker is reached, convert to a booster seat up to approx. 8 years of age.

Winners for this competition

  1. R. McFarlaneNSW
  2. A. BellSA
  • Children’s primary language is love and that is what we use with our daughter for effective communication. When we speak to our daughter about car safety, she trusts what we say as we have built the foundation!

  • Set an example and be vigilant always. The cargo is so precious so to educate is to empower.

  • I make sure that our little girl knows she needs to always wear her seat belt and I model this by always wearing mine

  • By having this seat as they are the best ,they fit properly and are safe.

  • By leading by example ie putting on seat belts, ensuring everyone is buckled in prior to car moving. Also by talking to the grandkids about vehicle safety and how lucky kids are today with the improvements to seat belts, car and booster seats and vehicle safety since my childhood

  • Of course I lead by example,
    And always strap myself in.
    I’ve explained when accidents happen.
    It’s the only way to win.

    We’ve also played with his toys,
    And acted out a car crash.
    We’ve bandaged up pandas and teddies,
    Who were hurt in our pretend smash!

  • Me: “In the olden days, toilets were outside. Down the back. At night, you’d walk through spider webs if you needed to go.”

    I pause… watching their faces. Then when the timing is right…

    “They didn\’t have car seats either.”

  • Whenever we get in the car, everyone has to put on their seat-belts before the car is started, and it doesn\\\’t matter where we are going or how long or short the car ride is. Number 1 rule in our car is the car isn\\\’t started if someone doesn\\\’t have their seatbelt on!

  • My husband and I show our kids how we wear our safety belt and tell them how important it is at the meantime.

  • Using her favourite toys as an example I gently showed my daughter that teddy or dolly can fall out of the car seat and get hurt if they don’t wear their seatbelt (we caught teddy before he hit the floor to lessen any distress!) my daughter got the message and I’ve never had a problem with her not wearing seat belt!

  • Although i dont even drive a vehicle, i always make sure i have the proper car seats with certified australian standards stickers that are up to date. although maybe not the latest or even the nicest, I am without a doubt certain my babies car seats are safe and secure or else we catch the train.

  • By example, by wearing your seat belt and paying attention to your mirrors and pointed out silly drivers doing mistakes on the road and discussing the consequences.

  • Car safety is extremely important and my husband and I show our child this by not starting the car up until everyone had checked that they are buckled in.

  • I show my child that car safety is important by putting my seatbelt on before I even start the car, and ensure that everyone else in the car is also wearing there’s.

  • I talk about road safety from the prospective of a driver, a passenger and a pedestrian and lead by example. Demonstrating the need to do the right thing, saves the most precious gift of all, life.

  • i tell my children its important for our safety and to keep us alive if another car accidently hit us

  • I show my grandchildren about car safety by always using a seat belt and making sure they are using theirs. I always urge the use of age appropriate, proven, trusted car seats for the best protection

  • Ensuring their seatbelt is fastened before taking off, and educating them that wearing your seatbelt is very important as it can save your life if god forbids you get into an accident. It’s good that they know why wearing your seat belt is very important

  • Walk down to the local shop for groceries or the newspaper with my kids where i can.
    Park the car and walk around to the sports ground, on the way explaining the observations and choices you make to get there safely.
    Talk about the importance of wearing seat belts and insist that everyone in the vehicle wears appropriate restraints for their age and size.
    Always demonstrate responsible and safe behaviours when driving, as a passenger or while walking anywhere around vehicles and roads

  • Give him a good example sit in the car and good explanation about car seat safety 🙂

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