
1415 Entries

We are thrilled to be giving you the chance to win 1 of 2 Howards Storage World bundle packs containing a range of boxes to sort out any clutter!

2 lucky people will win the following fantastic bundle from Howards Storage World worth over $230 each to help them get organised:

2 x Storage Tote Small – Teal / Grey Dot
2 x Storage Tote Medium – Teal/Grey Spot
2 x Storage Tote Large – Teal / Grey Dot
1 x 6 shoe easistore with Wheels
1 x Roller Box 52L
2 x Jaclyn Collapsible Box

This month at Howards Storage World they are shining the spotlight on the ever-trusty box. Where household organisation reigns supreme, a box (or two) is never too far from sight. From wicker baskets and mesh magnetic caddies through to totes and tins, their large range of multipurpose boxes can be used right throughout your home.

“One of the fastest remedies for a cluttered space is the simple box.”

With your clutter nicely stored, what’s in the box then becomes your secret!

See the full range at Howards Storage World.

Winners for this competition

  1. M. BattonSA
  2. K. Van der LindenNSW
  • I’m a mad crafter, so every possible spare bit of space in our house is crammed with cupboards of craft clutter, stashes of sewing supplies and boxes of beading bits and pieces!

  • I hide about 36 years worth of diaries/journals in boxes under my bed and in my closet. I am not a hoarder of anything else but I love to look back through my journals from time to time and reminisce – it’s like time travelling.

  • I hide all the rubbish gifts my in-laws have given me over the years…I just need to remember to get them back out when they come for Christmas!

  • childrens extra toys and books outgrown, magazines, mum’s ornaments as I don’t have anywhere to display them

  • Why? What have you heard?

  • Magazines, books, toys and bits and pieces of ‘this and that’..
    I hide clothes too.. (I should just iron them and hang them up)
    I wish I was more organised.

  • everything but the kitchen sink, I like to be organised and everything has its own place.

  • Ugly bric-a-brac given to us as gifts from family, we store it away until they come to visit so it doesn’t clutter up our house!

  • Kids school notes, old bills hehe, sticky tape, scissors…

  • I put my paperwork away in boxes.

  • All my sewing materials. I have sewn for school musicals for my kids for 12 years as a fun activity. Boxes and boxes of stuff that we may use one day?

  • great for storing books, trinkets and souveniers

  • All my family history finding from many year of research. I’d love a great storage solution for it all.

  • I love to be organised but if I can’t find a “category” for something to fit into, it goes in a box hidden away! Usually where it is one of something.

  • I have an obsession with buying make-up I don’t need! I can never fit it all in the bathroom cupboard so I have to put it in boxes in my bedroom cupboard!

  • I currently have a lot of my little boys old clothes that no longer fit hidden away in boxes in case the next bub is also a boy.

  • Cards, paper, bills, treasures of every shape and size, from old photos to books, unused toys and fashions gone by, I’m such a hoarder to revisit them is like a christmas surprise

  • kids craft and drawing papers, tolietries in the bathroom, to be honest things that we cannot be bothered to sort out.

  • Pens, receipts, Bills, anything that i find that can be chucked into boxes, i surprise myself, when i eventually go through them and rediscover what i put in them!!I Really need to spring clean and declutter and tidy up with some great storage and this would be my head start

  • Clothes out of season, bed sets, and toys

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