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Nutella has launched five limited-edition colourful jars to ‘Spread Good Morning Vibes’, inspired by changes in Aussie’s morning routines over the past few months.

To celebrate, Ferrero (the makers of Nutella) are giving away two Nutella hampers packed with all sorts of Ferrero goodies.

Hampers include a variety of Ferrero treats including Ferrero Rocher, Raffaello, Nutella, Tic Tac and Kinder products PLUS a Nutella lamp and SMEG toaster

Research conducted by Nutella found that Aussies are feeling calmer (42%) and are more positive in the mornings (31%) as they either had more time to themselves (48%) or felt less rushed (43%).

The first meal of the day has also seen significant change, with a fifth (20%) of all respondents enjoying breakfast more, and almost one in ten having breakfast in bed more as well as swapping breakfast food for dinner. More than a third (36%) reported they were eating breakfast later in the day, while 21% are spending more time making breakfast.

Additionally, Millennials are more likely to hit the ground running, eating brekkie while they work (24%), while Baby Boomers are more likely to spend the morning actively, with one in five (18.5%) saying they exercise more.

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The Five Nutella Jars To Spread Good Morning Vibes

Whether you feel energised waking up at dawn or prefer a cosy brekkie in bed, Nutella’s five limited-edition jars cater for every personality.

• The green ‘Family Hugs’ jar celebrates mornings as a moment to enjoy with the family
• The yellow jar is all about ‘Friends and Good Vibes’ for those who start their mornings with mates and a cup of coffee with toast and Nutella.
• The red, ‘Love Together’ jar is for those who relish a lovingly prepared breakfast for two.
• The blue jar is all about ‘Outdoor Smiles’, perfect for early risers who want to move in the morning
• The purple, ‘Chill Out at Home’ jar was created for those who believe that the best mornings are the ones you don’t need to rush.

In addition to the fun colours, Nutella lovers can bring their morning vibes to life with a new interactive Instagram AR experience. Simply scan the QR code and follow the prompts to see your jar come to life.

For more information, visit www.nutella.com or www.nutellavibes.com

Please note this competition is open from Thursday 10 September 2020 – Monday 12 October 2020 and is only available to members of Mouths Of Mums. This competition is a game of skill – answer in 50 words or less. We are unable to accept entries posted via facebook. Facebook LIKE functionality is not a requirement of entry to this competition. The winners of this competition will be published on this page. Winners’ name and address will be provided to the promoter of this competition and prizes will be sent to the address you have in Your Profile. Please ensure your details are up to date so that you receive your prize.

Winners for this competition

  1. J. PillemerNSW
  2. S. BanyardWA
  • The chill out jar of Nutella, because I think it’s very important for your mental health, to have a lazy day every once in a while

  • Chill Out at Home; for no rush morning greetings, lingering over Nutella and maple syrup pancake stacks, freshly brewed coffee (or two), morning ritual with neighbourhood rosella lovebirds tweeting at our open door for hand fed treats, and spotting new spring flowers. Small gifts to myself for good morning vibes.

  • Family hugs, with 4 kids there is plenty of hugs here

  • Blue! Embrace those beautiful spring mornings:)

  • Chill out at home purple is my jam! I love to kick back and chill with the fam in our pjs for as long as possible in the mornings

  • YELLOW! Good Vibes. Yellow is such a happy colour. To get up and get on with a happy day. Yellow is fun, cheerful, delightful colour. What a wonderful way to start the day with a slice of toast and Nutell Spread ???? ???? note emojis are yellow too! Why!! HAPPY

  • YELLOW! Good Vibes. Yellow is such a happy colour. To get up and get on with a happy day. Yellow is fun, cheerful, delightful colour. What a wonderful way to start the day with a slice of toast and Nutell Spread ???? ???? note emojis are yellow too! Why!! HAPPY

  • I love yellow, it is such a happy colour, it is so bright and it reminds me of sunshine.

  • Home Chill out, ive really learnt how to do that lately, just chill out and relax at home.

  • The green Nutella jar as there is nothing better thatn family morning hugs !!

  • Family Hugs Green is the one for me
    We eat Nutella for breakfast lunch and tea
    But for me Nutella is best on a crepe
    Watch me shove it all in my mouth and try not to gape!
    It make me happy it makes me smile
    For Nutella I would Run/Jump/Skip a country mile :)

  • Green hugs jar because we love to hug and love the colour green!

  • Outdoors…the only outdooring I do at present is Vit D collection on the back deck during breakfast and lunch (then the sun disappears). Its may not be exercise but its full of vitamins…like chocolate.

  • Definitely Home-Chill Out ! Not much of a morning person, but I do love a tub of Nutella and time to chill!

  • Green, Family hugs. I love morning snuggles with my 2 kids. Then Nutella sandwiches with a spoonful on the side for mr 3s breakfast

  • All do but family hugs the most as I lost my mum a couple of months ago and I miss her terribly

  • Family hugs: because a hug from the ween is the only thing i need to get through a hard day.(also Nutella.)

  • Hugs – I definitely need a dose of hugs to compliment my morning coffee. The perfect combination to wake up happy

  • Green – Family hugs – every morning we enjoy breakfast as a family, I cherish these moments while my children are still young ❤️

  • PURPLE- best chill out at home when there is no rush, no lost socks or shoes to locate, no last minute show and tell object to find.. no homework chewed by puppy … just family relaxing time .. together.. enjoying NUTELLA

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