
113 Entries

A powerful book written for those struggling with debt and feeling overwhelmed by their finances, we have 20 copies up for grabs!

A new book by Carrie-Ann McLean, Budget Right: Eliminate Debt and Improve your Financial and Mental Wellbeing offers Australians a practical roadmap to financial freedom. Officially launched in June 2024, the book equips readers with actionable tools and strategies to take control of their finances, reduce debt, and improve their overall financial and mental wellbeing.

From Debt to Financial Freedom: A Story of Transformation

Carrie-Ann McLean is more than just an author; she is a testament to the power of financial resilience and literacy. Having overcome significant debt and homelessness herself, she shares her inspiring journey in Budget Right.

This book goes beyond numbers and spreadsheets, offering a holistic approach to financial health, addressing the mental and emotional aspects of overcoming debt that brings about a holistic solution.

In Budget Right Carrie-Ann McLean shares her lessons and strategies she learned on the way. You will learn how to:

  • Identify your spending habits & triggers
  • Create mindful spending habits
  • Understand money mindsets
  • Track your spending
  • Understand your cashflow
  • Take control of your expenses
  • Practice damage control – you can get out of debt
  • Pay off your debt quicker
  • Manage your cashflow segments
  • Apply cost saving tips
  • Find ways to increase your cashflow

These pages also include your own Workbook & Journal.

In addition, when you purchase this book, the Budget Right formulated excel spreadsheet is yours for free.

Invest in yourself and your future – and use this book well.

“In the captivating pages ahead, Carrie generously shares not only her expertise but also her heart-warming story of triumph over crippling debt and homelessness. It is a tale that resonates deeply, reminding us all that no matter how dire our financial situations may seem, there is a way out, and there is hope.” – Barry Nicolaou, #1 Best-Selling Author & Owner of The Mindset Gap

Carrie has also kindly offered a free copy of her formulated excel budget spreadsheet (value $7.95) to Mouths of Mums members. Simply use the code BRSPREADSHEET to download it for free.


Please note this competition is open from 19th August 2024 until 15th September 2024 and is only available to members of Mouths Of Mums. This competition is a game of skill – answer in 50 words or less. We are unable to accept entries posted via facebook. Facebook LIKE functionality is not a requirement of entry to this competition. The winners of this competition will be published on this page. Winners’ name and address will be provided to the promoter of this competition and prizes will be sent to the address you have in Your Profile. Please ensure your details are up to date so that you receive your prize.

  • It describes me in a nutshell! Struggling with the cost of living!

  • Good opportunity to learn some new tricks and tips that might be able to help our family

  • Im a single mum and get $18 a fortnight in child support.

  • We have been fortunate to buy a new house, but along with that come a lot of new financial stressors! I would love a copy of this book to help us in our new stage of life.

  • I used to think I could budget well, but I have been getting into a mess lately – not sure if it’s just the prices are so high or I am doing something wrong these days, so I’d love to win a copy of this book so I won’t get into this muddle in the coming months and get back on to a healthier budgeting track.

  • This is something me and my husband really need to read to better understand our financial situation and set us up better for ours and our kids futures.

  • Because I desperately need help with every dot point listed in the article above.
    Delivered in an easy to understand format will help me implement the ideas offered

  • With my husband now out of work due to a major health issue last year this would be a great opportunity to assist us with upcoming issues

  • I need Budget Right to break free from debt, identify my spending triggers, and adopt mindful habits. Understanding my cashflow and managing expenses will empower me to regain financial control, pay off debts faster, and improve both my financial and mental wellbeing for a more secure future

  • Moneys to tight to mention ????????

  • I think any opportunity to encourage education around managing finances and debt is always needed. This will help me continue with my financial success goals and aiming for a debt free life

  • I am hopeless when it comes to budgeting!

  • What’s money? seems to be eluding me right now!

  • I think Everyone will need this book, I would like to help me save money and be able to take the family on holidays, but also for my mental health, and learn to stay away from what triggers me emotionally and mentally.

  • With money so tight these days, I’m looking for any helpful tips to get ahead!

  • My goal for 2024 is to improve every area of my life and I want finances to be my Number 2 after my health

  • We need this book!

  • For my husband!

  • Don’t we all need to do everything to make our budget stretch as best we can, tips and tricks would be most welcome, so we do more than, just exist, but have lots of relief would be the go.

  • We have a family goal, to pay off our house loan as soon as we can. This book would be a great assistance in this goal.

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