
560 Entries

The flavour is lit with D’Orsogna NEW Flame Roasted Ham, available nationwide at Woolworths Deli!

To celebrate with D’Orsogna smashing out a unique, succulent Flame Roasted Ham with a hint of Sweet Dijon mustard amped by real flame roasting and double oak wood smoking, we’re giving all mums who tell us how they would serve up this amazing product, the chance to WIN 1 of 5 $100 Woolworths gift cards!

As with all things Americana this Flame Roasted Sweet Dijon Mustard Leg Ham gives a big nod to southern American BBQ culture and is available freshly sliced, exclusively at your local Woolworths Deli counter.

If you’d like to enter to WIN a $100 Woolworths gift card, all you need to do is simply tell us in 50 words or less how you would serve up D’Orsogna’s NEW Flame Roasted Ham in the form of a quick, written recipe.

So what are you waiting for? Get those imaginations racing and those kitchens buzzing! Ask at your local Woolworths Deli to try D’Orsogna’s NEW Flame Roasted Ham. Definitely worth a try!

Need some more food for thought? Here are some Flame Roasted Ham recipes to give you a helping hand …

For more on the quality hams, bacon and continental Craft Meats by D’Orsogna, click here.

Winners for this competition

  1. G. McDonnellVIC
  2. A. LiewWA
  3. P. CanelasQLD
  4. D. MirtTAS
  5. R. LiVIC
  • Spray muffin tins.
    Add slices of D’Orsogna Flame Roasted Ham into each muffin base.
    Crack an egg in each.
    Top with snippets of whatever herbs you like.
    Bake for about 20mins.
    Easy as egg and ham bites!
    Simplicity but deliciousness as it’s best!

  • This ham is so delicious it’s best served with very little. Just enough to showcase its amazing flavours! I love it between toasted rye with swiss cheese, gruyere and mayonnaise and a big pickle on the side!

  • Fry a Duck egg, add some salt
    Heat two slices D’Orsogna’s NEW Flame Roasted Ham – both sides
    Add mayonnaise to two slices of Rye Pumpernickel bread thinly. Add Horseradish sauce thick
    Add lettuce
    Add ham on one slice. egg on the other side.
    Stack the sandwich, slice, and serve

  • toast slice of bread .spread with AVO add sliced ham add sliced cheese, grill . Scrumpscous

  • In my famous ham, cheese and avocado toasted sandwiches with my secret mustard spread, along with a Morning coffee on the balcony.

  • Ham Cheese Sliders

    1/4c. mustard
    1TB honey
    1/4c. butter, melted
    1TBpoppy seeds
    1/4c. mayonnaise
    12 Slider buns, slices D’Orsogna ham, slices swiss cheese

    Bake in oven for approx. 12 min on 200C

    This is one of our family’s favourites and always a hit at family gatherings.

  • I’d keep it super simple to best show off this delicious ham. Take perfectly ripe rockmelon and slice into wedges. Crumble over a generous portion of salty Persian feta and then finish with drapes of D’Orsogna ham. A drizzle of olive oil and balsamic and it’s time to tuck in!

  • Chicken Parmalasange

    Fresh lasange sheets, layers of combined chicken, ham, roast peppers, roast eggplant, homemade tomato, basil & chilli sauce and layers of fresh parmesan sauce.

  • Love to use with my blt to add a extra kick.

  • Nothing in this world tastes anywhere near as amazing as Nonnas gnocchi……except Nonnas gnocchi with some tasty D’Orsogna’s NEW Flame Roasted Ham diced in to her deliciously tasty sauce.
    Sorry I cannot divulge her recipe,it is a family secret

  • ham, cheese, tomato & baby spinach in a tortilla wrap toasted!

  • Lettuce, tomato, onion, cucumber dressing topped with lots of flame roasted ham

  • In a baking dish place a layer of mustardy ham and gruyere sandwiches. Top with beaten egg and leave in fridge overnight. In the morning sprinkle with grated cheese and bake until golden. voila the brunch of kings

  • On a Smokey rosemary and garlic tomato pizza base topped with roasted capsicum, tomato, saute spinach and cottage cheese with the delicious flame roasted ham! Oh and to eat without children stealing my meal! Delicious

  • One mum peeled from work
    Whisked through wine and cheese,
    Served with no kids or screaming,
    Just delicious D’Orsogna’s Flame Roasted Ham,
    Blend together with this women in need.

  • A tasty omelette with eggs, a dash of milk, salt and pepper. Cooked to perfection then flame roasted ham, a dash of cheddar and sliced mushrooms to make for a mean filling!

  • In a ham, cheese, tomato, onion with cracked pepper and sea salt toastie.

  • My tried and tested family favourite is one-pan pizza frittata:
    Finely sliced onion
    2 tomatoes chopped
    2/3 cup of olive, chilli and tomato puree
    1 Cup grated cheese
    olive oil
    8 eggs
    Salt and pepper
    ½ cup skim milk
    D’Orsogna ham which makes every meal special.

  • D’Orsogna Flame Roasted Ham, Roasted Tomato, Rocket and Goats Cheese Pasta
    1. Roast tomatoes with olive oil, salt and pepper until cooked.
    2. Add cooked spaghetti and diced Flame Roasted ham to tomatoes
    3. Top individual serves with rocket, goats cheese and a little olive oil.

  • 2 bacon bones
    1 chopped onion
    1 cup of dried yellow split peas
    a cup of D’Orsogna flame roasted ham chopping

    Cover ingredients with water, then add an extra litre of water. Boil until cooked. Add seasoning.

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