
701 Entries

5 lucky winners will receive a Balance Buddy Bike valued at $119!

Balance bikes have no brakes and no pedals, which is what makes them so easy for toddlers to learn on. Once a toddler is tall enough to be able to sit on the bike with a slight bend in their knees and both feet flat on the floor, they are ready to go! At first, they will straddle the bike and move one foot and then the other to push the bike along. Very quickly, their confidence will build as they find their natural point of balance and before you know it, they will be scooting themselves along and taking both feet off the floor.

Children learn lots of skills from riding balance bikes including; balance, co-ordination, steering and most importantly, confidence. Once they are confident on their balance bikes, you will notice their confidence improving in other areas of their lives and you may even start to notice that they learn faster too.


Please note this competition is open from 22nd June 2015 until 22nd July 2015 and is only available to members of Mouths Of Mums. We are unable to accept entries posted via facebook. Facebook LIKE functionality is not a requirement of entry to this competition. The winners of this competition will be published on this page. Winners’ name and address will be provided to the promoter of this competition and prizes will be sent to the address you have in Your Profile. Please ensure your details are up to date so that you receive your prize.

Winners for this competition

  1. M. MichelleQLD
  2. P. TudorNSW
  3. B. SelfeSA
  4. V. PageWA
  5. C. JessopTAS
  • I\\\’d love to win a red one for my nephew He loves Lightning Mcqueen so we could probably convince him to try and have a go!

  • yellow for my little fonzi wannabe so he can create a dora fun attitude exploring more then just the living room

  • With two grandchildren that visit often and only 1 bike this would be amazing to go for rides with them and watch them explore

  • My grandson, Sonny has 3 older siblings. He\’s giving their hand me down bikes a good working out! He\’s such a daredevil, I cringe when I see him riding \’side saddle\’ on his old yellow plastic bike flying down their driveway! I just know he\’d LOVE new yellow bike of his very own.

  • i would love to win any of these colours. would lean towards the red though. would love to win for my boys.

  • My son sees other kids on bikes and would so love his own – in any colour!

  • Hello
    I would love to win a yellow bike for my daughter as black and yellow would match daddy’s favourite jacket.
    Would love it as our daughter is at that age where she’s trying to ride and climb everything so hopefully it’ll entertain and stimulate her.

  • I would love to win a red balance buddy so my buddy (son) and I can cruise together.

  • red please our little miss will be 2 next month and her fav colour is red and dad keeps telling her red goes faster lol

  • Yellow for my son please,
    He’s ready to learn independently,
    Will be great for his coordination and confidence,
    Balance Buddy will help him learn best!

  • Miss Three”s outgrown her trike,
    Wants to use her brother’s bike!
    Making him see red,
    We need a Balance Buddy Bike instead!

  • I would love to win a yellow one for my little sunshine girl. She is 2 in january and has just started to care about her big sisters bikes and scooters. I’d love to give her this as her own, as we probably wouldn’t buy a new one for her anyway.

  • A great prize Would like to win it for my g/son red would be fine

  • We love red and would love a balance buddy bike so that we can explore our world on wheels!

  • green my sons favourite colour – would encourage him to get outdoors more (off his ipad) and use his gross motor skills!

  • I’d love a lean mean green machine.
    For my little dude would be so keen!
    too little to yet ride a bike …
    & keep up with his brother – though try as he might!

  • I would like to win the red balance buddy as my daughter could use it now and I am pregnant with my second child and when this baby is born, it could still use it.

  • Yellow….because surely if goes slower than the red and green ones?! My little guy is CRAZY!

  • I would like to win a red Balance Buddy bike for my little girl. I really want my daughter to safely learn how to balance and ride a bike which I never had the chance. I am sure she would love cruising around once she learns how to bike!

  • I would love to win the yellow balance buddy bike, as my 1 year old son is already desperate to keep up with his older sister… This clever design would see him racing her up the street before he knows it! Just genius!

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