
435 Entries

5 lucky members will receive a beautiful pack from Bio-Oil!

There’s nothing more rewarding than seeing your baby for the first time and to help you enjoy those first few months Bio-Oil has put together a handy gift pack.

For mum there’s a 125ml Bio-Oil to help keep skin soft and supple, a Bio-Oil candle for total bliss and a Tresillian book to help you navigate the parenting path with confidence. Bub gets a cute plush duck and a handy muslin cotton wrap. as well!

Please note this competition is open from 8th May 2015 until 8th June 2015 and is only available to members of Mouths Of Mums. We are unable to accept entries posted via facebook. Facebook LIKE functionality is not a requirement of entry to this competition. The winners of this competition will be published on this page. Winners’ name and address will be provided to the promoter of this competition and prizes will be sent to the address you have in Your Profile. Please ensure your details are up to date so that you receive your prize.

Winners for this competition

  1. C. HiltonNSW
  2. Y. GorskiQLD
  3. D. ShannonQLD
  4. V. HelenACT
  5. N. AbbieSA
  • I wish I knew about Bio Oil when I was going through puberty (plenty of growing stretchmarks from then), but thankfully I know about it now, and intend to put it to good use while pregnant 🙂

  • I have a couple friends that have told me that Bio Oil keeps your skin soft & works great on stretch marks. Being a Mum of 5 children I still have stretch marks from my pregnancies. I would love to win this pack so that I could try it for myself.

  • Bio oil is the best, I used it through two off my pregnancys daily and it worked great.Also Love using it for aromatherapy and relaxation.

  • I have heard through the word of mouth of mums that bio-oil is the product of choice to make your skin feel renewed and soft. As a new Mum, time is of the essence. This Bio-oil pack will make me feel soft and beautiful in just a few minutes.

  • My sister recently had her first child and I would love to be able to give this to her

  • I used bio-oil with my first child 12 years ago & I would love to share the benefits, with my sister in law, who’s expecting her second baby, later this year!

  • Because is for everything: Scars
    Stretch marks
    Uneven skin tone
    Ageing skin
    Dehydrated skin

  • I have a very sore horrible scar on my chest which NEEDS bio oil!

  • Using a product that works and makes you feel wonderful- what more can one hope for!

  • A most welcome gift for my daughters first experience with pregnancy.

  • I have very dehydrated skin and would love to dry this highly recommended oil. I also need help with some acne scars and dark spots.

  • Im pregnant with baby no 4 and have used bio oil while pregnant and after with the last 2 and have just started using it again with this bub. Its gr8 for stretch marks and as i have Ceasars it helps heal my scar so its vertually invisible

  • I have used Bio oil when I was pregnant 3 yrs ago. I used it for stretch marks as one of my friend recommended me. I would like to win this pack as my skin is dry. I like Bio Oil for massage.

  • To help this mummy’s tummy lose the marks and help get back my spark!

  • I would love to atleast attempt to pamper myself being a busy full time working mym to 3 I hardly look after myself these days!!

  • I’ve heard bio oil can get rid of stretch marks! Would love to try!

  • I have some scars and stretch marks so I would love to win this pack

  • I would love a BIO-OIL PACK After having three children i have real horrible stretch marks and dry skin heard BIO OIL IS THE BEST

  • I’ve had 6 babies and it’s taken a big toll on my body!

  • I suffer from ingrown hairs & severely dry skin on my legs & bio oil is the only thing that helps but I can never afford to buy it as my kids needs come before my own

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