
218 Entries

We are thrilled to be giving all our wonderful members the chance to WIN 1 of 5 Dreambaby® Holiday Safety Packs!

Five lucky winners will receive a Dreambaby® Holiday Safety Pack valued at $128.00 which includes:

  • 1 x Dreambaby® No Tools, No Screws Safety Value Packs with 35-pieces (F708)
  • 1x Dreambaby® Corner Cushions 4 Pack (F104)
  • 1 x Dreambaby® Watch your Step® Anti-Slip Bath Mats (10 Pack) (F129)
  • 1 x Dreambaby® Blind Cord wind-ups 2 pack (F131)
  • 1 x Dreambaby® Adhesive Mag Lock® range (F150)
  • 1 x Dreambaby® Harrogate Bedrail (F770)

Tis the season to be jolly; a time of fun and catch-ups with loved ones and extended family, but whether you’re home or away this year it’s also a time to take special care as festivities and new environments can bring fresh and unexpected challenges to ensuring the safety of small children.

Carolyn Ziegler, Product Development Director of global child safety brand Dreambaby®, says: ‘We often don’t think of taking safety precautions “away” with us, or making sure holiday homes are as safe for young children and our own homes which unfortunately can lead to accidents. If you are travelling, the first thing to do when you check into a vacation home, apartment or hotel is to get down on all fours and look up at the world from the point of view of a crawling child. It’s amazing the hidden dangers you will identify,” says Ms Ziegler. “The easiest way to ensure your accommodation is safe, is to pack a few key safety products in your suitcase, and simply install them when you arrive!

The Dreambaby® No Tools, No Screws Safety Value Packs with 35-pieces, F708 RRP $24.95 contains everything you need to help make your home and your home- away-from-home, is as safe as possible for your little ones. This pack includes a plethora of safety items including 24 outlet plugs, 1 appliance latch, 1 multi-purpose latch, 1 mini multi-purpose latch, 1 angle lock, 1 adhesive double lock, 1 secure-a-lock, 4 corner protectors and 1 fish door stopper – all easy to install and then remove when you leave!

Tables, bar areas and any sharp corners in your holiday accommodation can potentially hurt. Protect against sharp corners this festive season with the easily attachable (and detachable) Corner Cushions 4 Pack (F104) RRP $3.95. Tis the season to stop baby (and Mum, Dad & Santa Clause) getting scratched on those sharp corners!

Bath time is essential to calm children’s Christmas excitement, whilst washing off a busy day’s dirt! Keep your bathroom safe and slip free with Dreambaby®’s Watch your Step® Anti-Slip Bath Mats (10 Pack) (F129)RRP $9.95. Easy to pack and take on vacation, these textured Non-Slips help prevent accidental slips and falls in the tub. They are easy to use in a regular or baby bath.

Dangling blind and curtain cords present a potential strangulation hazard for small children, at home and away during holiday periods. Keep your living and bedroom areas safe and “cord free”, ensuring all cords are safely out of reach from inquisitive little fingers with the Dreambaby® Blind Cord wind-ups 2 pack (F131) RRP $4.45.Again, these little yet essential safety products will ensure peace of mind and provide safe storage of unfamiliar and unpredictable blind cords in rental accommodation.

Another ideal holiday “must-pack” is the Dreambaby® Adhesive Mag Lock® range (F150) From RRP $34.95 . Keep cupboards safe and out of bounds to curious little people this festive season, by installing inside your holiday home’s cupboards and drawers. Once in place, these locks can only be released with the use of the powerful Mag Lock® Magnetic Key. With the added benefit of being able to easily remove and re-install, the Dreambaby® Adhesive Magnetic Locking System®, is perfect to accompany your young family this season!

Ensure your children sleep soundly and safely in their own beds, all night long with the lightweight, portable Dreambaby® Harrogate Bedrail (F770) RRP $49.95 (below). Easy to transport (especially when you’re traveling by car) this product the offers the utmost peace of mind for all parents and fits most regular beds and mattress, at home and away!

Visit the Dreambaby® web site at www.dreambaby.com.au or call (02) 9386 4000 or in New Zealand, call (09) 274 8788. Become a Dreambaby® fan: http://www.facebook.com/Dreambabysafety

Winners for this competition

  1. V. Di BiasiVIC
  2. G. Jordan WortQLD
  3. M. WestbrookWA
  4. S. HinchliffeNSW
  5. D. XianVIC
  • I would love Dreambaby Harrogate Bedrail, because my kids are very restless sleepers, you just don’t know where they will end up during the night.

  • The Dreambaby Corner Cushions as you never know what sharp corners are likely to be in holiday accommodation and they could save some nasty bumps, scratches and poking accidents.

  • Can i just say a nanny!

  • I always worry about little ones banging into tables so Corner Cushions would be essential to me

  • The bath mat sounds excellent , especially since grandparents will want in on the action and they aren’t used to my slippery little tots.

  • Dream baby safety slip mats because you can never be to safe during precious bath times with your precious bundle of joy!!

  • The bedrail so my little man doesn’t roll off the bed as he is learning to sleep on his own. He is trying to be a big man

  • No Tools, No Screws Safety Value Pack – that would cover a whole range of safety issues and easy to install when staying somewhere!

  • Dreambaby® Adhesive Mag Lock® range – since our baby is now a toddler, she’s getting into absolutely every thing – especially cupboards and drawers in the kitchen!

  • The lightweight portable Dreambaby Harrogate Bedrail so my little one can’t fall out of bed and hurt herself in a strange place.

  • Dreambaby® Watch your Step® Anti-Slip Bath Mats
    as my bubba is always slipping when trying to get out of the bath

  • Oh you couldn\’t go past the corner cushions! Something I didn\’t know existed, but I definitely need. My little man, like most walking 11 month olds, needs a stack hat.

  • The No Tools, No Screws Safety Value Pack,
    No damage with any tacks!
    Great for a holiday rental kitchen cupboard guarantee,
    Better safe, than sorry!

  • The corner cushions as there’s many sharp corners at the holiday flat that we’d go to and she has t be safe.

  • Would love the dreambaby watch your step pack! Visiting my dad these holidays and he doesn’t have a bath seat for my six month old!!!

  • The door catcher. My youngest got her finger caught in the part of the door where the hinges are. We ended up at the hospital for X-rays, poor darling….luckily there was no broken bones! She is a tough cookie

  • The blind cord wind-ups. Hotel rooms can be so small the only place for the cot is by the windows.

  • i love the corner cushions especially when away as tables can be at different heights and made out of material that may not be baby proof

  • All of them as everyone has a great safety product so we need all.

  • The stroller fan – it gets so hot here and we usually holiday locally so that would be so useful to keep her cool.

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