
123 Entries

Mouths of Mum’s and babysittersearch.com.au are offering you a chance to WIN one of 6 x 12 month Babysitter Search Parent Subscription Packages, valued at $90.95 each!

Find the perfect babysitter for your family today. Membership puts you in full control, providing you with unlimited access to our database of carers, while giving you the ability to contact your chosen nanny directly and even post job listings tailored to your exact requirements.

BabysitterSearch.com.au is a community of nannies, babysitters and nanny agencies, all driven by the same goal – to give parents easy access to child care they can rely on.

For your chance to WIN…

‘LIKE’ Mouths of Mums on Facebook here,

and then tell us in 25 words or less why you need to find the perfect babysitter or nanny!

Winners for this competition

  1. G. BeggNSW
  2. M. SciosciaSA
  3. B. HallQLD
  4. M. WareQLD
  5. A. MannVIC
  6. B. KellyQLD
  • My son has never really been away from me so I need to find someone he feels comfortable with.

  • I would love to find someone trustworthy & affordable to look after our boys for a evening. Our boys are aged 6,4,2,1. Hubby and I would LOVE a night or even day off to have some us time. I can’t remember the last time just the 2 of us have been out together. Love my boys more than life itself but would really love to spend time alone with just hubby and I.

  • It’s great to know a reliable, fun, trustworthy babysitter for emergency’s

  • The most important thing to me is the health and safety of my children, when entrusting other people it needs a perfect babysitter situation.

  • I’m a single mum who never gets a chance to unwind and recharge my batteries

  • love to have some friendly advice and assistance with new bubs – I’ve lost my mum so need some motherly advice.

  • what a great idea this is! excellent

  • Being a single mum, with no mum on my own, would love to find a babysitter I could trust for some much needed R n R!

  • I would love to spend some quality time with my husband. Or else, it would be nice to have Me time too!

  • My husband and I have not been on a date in 7 yrs

  • my baby loves them

  • My son is 20 months and I havent had a single day off motherhood… granny lives overseas and so do all my other friends and family not EASY :0(

  • I so need this service….Havent had a break in 5 years and family members do not want to help out even for a overnigght thing…So would luv to use this to find a babysitter…Please thnx

  • With 3 children under 6 it’s tricky to try to find ‘family & friends’ who can help out in a pinch. This would be perfect!

  • We have limited family support and I’m dying to go out on a date night with my husband!!

  • To spend much needed time with my husband.

  • I would love to find a babysitter so me and my husband could go on a date

  • we would love some child free time together

  • It would be great to have our first night out together since having the kids and not have to worry about who’s looking after them

  • It would be great to be able to know I can find a reliable baby sitter any time we need to plan a night out.

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