
297 Entries

WIN 1 of 8 Dreambaby Spring travel packs valued at $57 each.

Eight lucky winners will receive a Dreambaby Spring Travel pack. The pack includes:

  • Dreambaby Strollerbuddy Stroller Organiser (RRP $24.95)
  • The Dreambaby Adjusta-Car Shade Stretch-It, Shape-It, Fit-It™ (RRP $19.95) (two pack).  
  • Dreambaby Insta-Cling Car Shades (RRP $11.95)   

Spring has sprung! Gone are the extra layers and winter boots; instead, it’s time to get out the sunscreen and hats, and to start planning outdoor activities for you and the family! But before you begin all the fun, remember, the risks that can come along with spring and summer and take precautions.

Protection from the sun is of course paramount – wearing hats, sunscreen, protective clothing and so on is essential. Parents should use preventative safety items including car window shades and stroller covers to help prevent damage while in transit, as well as using sunscreen and hats.

The Dreambaby Insta-Cling Car Shades are an easy-to-use, easy-to-store option. The fine mesh screen not only reduces glare, but is UPF 50+, ideal for even the hottest summer days and long trips in the car.

Dreambaby also offers the Adjusta-Car Shade a flexible car shade with suction cups, that can stretch and fit to almost every type or shape of window.

Taking the kids outside can be a great adventure in spring and summer, but it can also be stressful, especially if you are going for a long walk, shopping, or a similar outing. Many strollers have space to place bags and belongings, but specially-designed items such as the Dreambaby Strollerbuddy Stroller Organiser allow for easy and stress-free storage of shopping, handbags, bottles, nappies and more. With two for bottles, and a mesh bag that’s easy to navigate, what seems like a simple idea can go a long way – especially if there is more than one child in the stroller.

Please note this competition is open from 19th October 2015 until 19th November 2015 and is only available to members of Mouths Of Mums. This competition is a game of skill – answer in 50 words or less. We are unable to accept entries posted via facebook. Facebook LIKE functionality is not a requirement of entry to this competition. The winners of this competition will be published on this page. Winners’ name and address will be provided to the promoter of this competition and prizes will be sent to the address you have in Your Profile. Please ensure your details are up to date so that you receive your prize.

Winners for this competition

  1. K. OldlandWA
  2. J. EvansVIC
  3. C. WrigleyTAS
  4. M. CloughQLD
  5. L. OliveiraVIC
  6. L. HeffernanACT
  7. K. WestQLD
  8. S. JohnsonQLD
  • We stay in the shade from 11-3 and also were protective clothing, including a hat and sunscreen overtime we are outside.

  • Coming from the country where the heat can be extreme, we teach our son about sun protection, keeping hydrated, slip slop and slap while showing off his little cowboy hat, the shade moves with the sun so we looking for the shade is our first priority

  • everything possible! Hats, sunglasses, shade we have fair skin kids to its very easily for them to have too much sun.

  • Our precautions for all our kids, everyday we use sunblock, we all wear a sunhat and we keep thoroughly hydrated, it is like a ritual.

  • A light cover up if they are outdoors and asleep in my arms.
    Baby sunscreen and a hat before the ultra violet light harms.
    A stroller cover and car window shade,
    A UFP50+ is the correct grade.
    Stay indoors between 11am and 3 pm.
    The sun is at it’s hottest and most damaging then.

  • My bubbas are practically bathed in sunscreen and we always wear a hat. We try to play in the shade, and wear a light long sleeve when it’s really high UV.

  • big hats nice loose clothing with sleeves and a casual dip in sunscreen in the morning

  • Avoid direct sun where possible, use effective car shades, sunscreen for baby skin, light clothing, extra fluids.

  • Firstly, we tend to go out earlier in the day when the sun is not at its strongest and I put sunscreen on her along with a hat and try and keep her in the shade.

  • Sunscreen, hats, shade, lots of water, appropriate clothing.

  • My daughters always wear hats & plenty of sunscreen & try and stay out of the sun for as long as possible

  • My baby Sienna is four months old and always wears a hat, we only sit in the shade outside and we have sun protectors on all our windows in the car we also use baby organic sun screen. 🙂 we are learning each day as she is our first baby.

  • Hat, lightweight long sleeves and SPF+50

  • We always use sunscreen, long sleeves and a hat when we are outdoors, from the oldest member of our family to the youngest.

  • We stay in the shade between 11-3 and alway use a hat and sunscreen when we are outdoors.

  • I use plenty of sunscreen and keep their skin quite moisturised,and also make sure they are always wearing hats.

  • I put SPF50 on their face and body, put long sleeves if it’s a really hot day and they always wear a hat!

  • Sunscreen on the kitchen bench, sunscreen in the car, suncreen attached to the pram…then you never miss it or forget to put it on.

  • Sun tan lotion on every morning and if out in the Sun a hat, I have visors for the car but they keep falling off!

  • S_hade is a must go zone
    P_rotecting little ones from sun exposure
    R_ipe little bodies so easy to burn
    I_ know too well how sunburn can hurt
    N_ot going to happen with Dreambaby Spring Travel packs
    G_oing to venture out and enjoy Spring safely!

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