
271 Entries

9 lucky winners will receive a copy of Lah Lah’s Adventures Brand New Day DVD, Lah Lah’s Big Live Band DVD, Making Music Lah Lah’s Way CD and Lah Lah Shake It Like This CD!

Thousands of fans of top rating, preschool TV series Lah-Lah’s Adventures are practicing their dance moves and preparing to ‘Shake It Like This’ with stripy-socked, singing sensation Lah-Lah and her Big Live Band when they perform at packed venues in just under two weeks.

To celebrate to their adventure, nine lucky winners will receive a prize pack featuring Lah Lah’s Adventures Brand New Day on DVD, Lah Lah’s Big Live Band on DVD, Making Music Lah Lah’s Way on CD and Lah Lah Shake It Like This on CD.

Tickets available via lah-lah.com/live-shows and get ready to dance with Lah Lah’s DVD’s available at all ABC Shops and Centres.

Please note this competition is open from 2nd April 2015 until 29th April 2015 and is only available to members of Mouths Of Mums. We are unable to accept entries posted via facebook. Facebook LIKE functionality is not a requirement of entry to this competition. The winners of this competition will be published on this page. Winners’ name and address will be provided to the promoter of this competition and prizes will be sent to the address you have in Your Profile. Please ensure your details are up to date so that you receive your prize.

Winners for this competition

  1. K. BallingerVIC
  2. T. RalphSA
  3. A. WolfeNSW
  4. L. PaineNSW
  5. N. TateVIC
  6. C. SidsSA
  7. J. WilsonTAS
  8. A. GrahamQLD
  9. K. SanderQLD
  • imcy wincy spider, she gets so excited as she loves nursery ryhmes and knows the actions for this one and most others.

  • ‘I just can’t wait to be king’ – it’s from The Lion King and when she was in her first year at school her class performed the song – and all the moves – in her school’s musical.

  • Play School opening song as even the dog howls to it

  • nice price to win

  • My preschoolers love rock a bye your bear,they really get into it also love the skeleton dance but think they love seeing adults join in just as much.

  • shake it like this or the band on the bus, because they are catchy and bouncy songs.

  • Dr Knickerbocker.. a “knock-out” in this household, Lah Lah’s songs and most of the Playschool Songs involving music and actions.

  • my boy has taken a liking to this new show and really loves the theme song Lah Lah’s big live band, I think they are popular because they have a different sound to most other kids shows

  • My granddaughter Briella has spent her first few years living with dad at nanna’s and grumps’ home. Nanna spent many hours watching cartoons with Briella, Angelina the Ballerina was her favourite, we would both do ballet in the lounge room. Now at 5, she dances to all music at sleepovers.

  • Shake it like this is a favourite with my boy, gets up and just starts shaking to it.

  • Definitely the theme song, Lah Lah’s big live band. She sways to the music in front of the tv

  • Hot Potato by the wiggles

  • My little boy love Bus on The Wheels song.

  • The demonstration song on my keyboard always makes him dance.

  • Funnily enough, my youngest daughter’s favourite song to dance to is “Shake It Like This”! She gets so excited when the film clip comes on the television, and drops everything/gets up and boogies away. So cute!

  • My baby grandson new the tune to “Brush your teeth” the other day as he rocked with excitement in front of the TV watching them.

  • It’s too hard to just choose one song she dances to any music that comes on. She just loves to sing and dance and copy movements!

  • Brush your teeth. This song works a treat!

  • My little one starts to kick and wave her arms around whenever she hears ‘if you’re happy and you know it’!

  • My 2 year old loves to dance the hokey pokey

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