
103 Entries

We are giving you the chance to WIN a 5 hour seminar in your nearest capital city valued at $625 – smoke breaks and free cigarettes included! Guaranteed to give you a healthy 2016.

Allen Carr’s Easyway to Stop Smoking is the most effective quit smoking program in the world and is the only method to offer a money back guarantee. Established for over 30 years with clinics in 50 countries, we promise to get cigarettes out of your mouth, and your head, for good!

Q: What happens at the clinics?

The clinics are informal and casual and involve a lot of talking. We talk about why you started smoking and why you still smoke. We talk about willpower, withdrawal and why they are illusions.

During the session, there will be a moment when you truly understand that there is no reason to smoke. That’s the moment you are free from the nicotine trap. Read more about what happens during a clinic.

Q: How many people are in a clinic?

Group sessions are conducted with a maximum of twenty people and they usually book out very quickly, so it’s worth taking action now.

Q: Can I smoke during the session?

Yes, we encourage you to smoke during the session, so please bring your cigarettes with you. You’ll smoke your final cigarette during the session and leave as a non-smoker.

Quitting Is Easy When You Do It the Easyway with Allen Carr

Please note this competition is open from 15th March 2016 until 17th April 2015 and is only available to members of Mouths Of Mums. This competition is a game of skill – answer in 50 words or less. We are unable to accept entries posted via facebook. Facebook LIKE functionality is not a requirement of entry to this competition. The winners of this competition will be published on this page. Winners’ name and address will be provided to the promoter of this competition and prizes will be sent to the address you have in Your Profile. Please ensure your details are up to date so that you receive your prize.

Winners for this competition

  1. B. NestorasVIC
  • I need to do this now I buried my beloved mother 3 days ago I’m still walking in her foot steps I’m a diabetic have high cholesterol and smoking more than ever my son is begging I just know how to give up please help.

  • he, who must be obeyed…, has tried everything….having already had one close call, Drs have told him give up or loose a leg within 5 years. Says he would rather smoke and be happy in himself. I don’t want to have to break a new hubby in at my age so, PLEASE HELP HIM to help me.

  • Me and my wife have been trying to give up for 15yrs But still smoking.So winning this competition would be great

  • I want to be free and smell like the old me, im scared of the health issues smoking causes and don’t want to die early!

  • My husband has been talking about quitting for years, this might be the kick up the butt he needs. He has an autoimmune disease so it is a priority for his health and that of our kids. He has expressed interest in hypnotherapy before, so I believe this method would be well suited to him.

  • Like it

  • I’ve been trying to quit for years now but I keep on falling off the wagon, my health isn’t the best so I can’t afford to smoke either way, I live on patches because as soon as I stop the patches I start smoking again!

  • i want to quit for my daughter who is 7 and tells me its horrible it is and I want to be around for her

  • I need to quit smoking all together not just for me but for my daughter

  • This would be fantastic to go to a quit smoking seminar as do 40yrs we have tried to stop smoking but we are still smoking so this may be what we need

  • My beautiful husband is a smoker, I’d like him not to be. He’s tried but finds it very difficult. We have a son with a chronic lung condition……. so he just needs to stop. Maybe a little extra help will make all the difference!

  • need all the help I can get!

  • After 40yrs of smoking me and my wife will try anything that may help kick this shocking habit so it would be great to win this free seminar

  • I want to win so I can send my husband off to this seminar. He’s tried medication & going cold turkey without success & is desperate to give up. The kids & I nagging, just depresses him continually over his lack of willpower & he smokes more! Help!

  • My hubby has been trying hard to quit smoking on and off for a while and has been up and down with his success. He has health conditions that are affected by his smoking, and I’d love to see him be able to finally put it behind him!

  • I have tried to quit smoking so many times without success
    My health is deteriorating due to smoking
    I so want to quit to live my life nicotine free and be able to do things and enjoy my family

  • I have been smoking since I was 15, I am 57 this year. I have tried a few times over the years but various things made me take back up. I have not been in the best of health these past few years and I would like some assistance to start the process of getting better by giving up the fags. Please HELP!

  • I would like a chance to attend this seminar because it’s hard to tackle the physical addiction to nicotine. And its challenging to find new ways to handle stress.

  • I started smoking when I was only 15,
    That’s 22 years filled with gross nicotine,
    I’m unfit from the smokes, I look old & feel it,
    I just need some help so I can finally quit!!

  • I have smoked for over 40 years and I\’ve tried every method to give up, from hypnosis to cold turkey, so I would be very interested in how this clinic could help me kick the habit once and for all, seeing as I have not willpower.

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